The first Promotional Maglights (Maglites) were black, heavy duty, made in America, and

dependable. These are still made today, but there have been a few improvements along the way.
- The Mini Maglite was introduced that used the smaller AA and AAA batteries.
- New barrel colors were added. Now there are about a dozen colors available in some of the models.
- The wrap-around United States flag imprint was made available.
- The LED bulb was added. This made them much brighter.
- The electronic circuit was added, to give you different light intensities, strobe, and SOS capabilities.
- The rechargeable Maglite was invented.
- Imprinting your logo in full color was developed. This was a giant leap over the traditional laser engraving.
What’s next for Maglites? Give us your idea, and maybe it will develop into the next big thing in promotional Maglights (Maglites).