How To Choose The Right Tally Books For Your Workforce

Pipe Tally Books for Gas and Oil Workers
Pipe Tally Books for Gas and Oilfield Workers

Gas and oilfield workers are the most prominent users of pipe tally books. They need to write in them every time they add another pipe to the drilling rig. These hard working people keep track of pressure readings and inventory in their critical jobs 24 hours a day. How do you choose which tally books you buy for them?

The books should be:

  • Durable (vinyl is great for this purpose)
  • Weather resistant
  • Small enough to fit in a pocket
  • Colorful enough so they won’t get lost in a pile of stuff
  • The right color to show off your corporate logo on the front vinyl cover
  • Able to hold a removable water-resistant “stone” paper pad, which is “un-rippable”
  • Designed with an integral pen loop

When you equip your men with the right products, they can focus on their work.


3400.jpg Pipe Tally Books 3400 (Top Seller)


5 Misunderstood Facts About Tally Books

Pipe Tally Books are normally used by workers in oilfields. They keep track of the

Tally Books in the Field
Using Tally Books in the Field

exact time that a section of pipe is attached to the drilling rig. Also they record the length and diameter of the pipe. These drilling workers need a heavy duty book that can easily fit into their pocket. That’s a short history of tally books. But here are some things you might not have known about these special books:

  1. Anyone who works outdoors and needs to keep records, can use a tally book. Other users are foresters, wind energy inspectors, handymen, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and waterworks people.
  2. The pages are sewn in, for durability. A little ring binder wouldn’t be as durable.
  3. A new option for the pages is the sewn water-resistant Stone Pad. If you try to tear a sheet, it just stretches a little. You can’t tear it.
  4. The cover is made of high grade vinyl, which comes in colors to coordinate with your company logo. This gives the book a high resistance to rain and abrasion.
  5. Got a favorite pen or pencil? Since these books are custom made, they can have a pen loop built into them.

6 Weird Uses For Tally Books

Tally books were originally made for gas and oil field employees. They use them

Tallybook Uses
Tallybook Uses

to keep track of how many pipes they put down the well when they are drilling. It’s important to know how deep they are at any time. The drillers can enter the time, day, size of pipe and length of pipe, plus anything unusual that happens at each depth.

Since tally books are water resistant, and have lined pages, and fit in your pocket, they have been used for other purposes. Here are some unusual ones:

  1. In a running race, you can enter the ID number and finish time of each runner.
  2. In a sailboat race, you can keep track of the times that each boat passes each buoy, and the finish line.
  3. If you are hired to read water meters in a small town, you can use tally books to write down the meter readings.
  4. Keep track of your medicine times.
  5. Keep a record of your gasoline purchases, and the number of miles you drove since the last fill-up.
  6. Use it as a field book to record what birds you have seen at what times and locations.

Can you think of any other uses?

10 Myths About Custom Tally Books

Here are the top 10.

Custom Tally Books
Custom Tally Books
  1. Custom tally books aren’t just for the oil and gas drilling industries.
  2. All tally books are sensitive to water damage.
  3. They are too big and bulky to put in your pocket.
  4. There is no place on a tally book to hook your pen.
  5. Custom tally books can’t hold any extra pages and special notices.
  6. Tally books are too expensive.
  7. They aren’t  flexible enough for your pocket.
  8. They aren’t spiral bound.
  9. Production time is too long.
  10. Our full color logo can’t be printed on the cover.

Fortunately, all ten myths are just that. Myths. With all the new printing technology and product developments in the last 20 years, all these problems have been solved.

To find the answers to all these myths, just go to Custom Tally Books.

3410 Jr. Tally  Book
3410 Jr. Tally Book