What is the Best Season for Promotional Maglites?

Promotional Maglites in Summer
Summer is a good season for Promotional Maglites.

Summer is a good season for Promotional Maglites. Your customers need to keep a good flashlight in their cars when on a road trip and going on their summer vacations. You never know when a car might give you trouble at night. Flat tire can even happen to new cars.

Fall is a fine season for Promotional Maglites. As the daylight hours get shorter, you need a flashlight when going on late evening walks.

Winter is a notorious season for Promotional Maglites. There are not many

Promotional Maglites With Your Logo
Promotional Maglites With Your Logo

daylight hours. You may need a Maglite to take a look around the house to see what that bump was outside. Cold weather is hard on batteries, so make sure you have fresh batteries in your torch. Maglites make wonderful Christmas gifts for your customers. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Spring is super season for Promotional Maglites. Take some with you to the trade shows, and give them to your best prospects. They will likely buy from you, and remember you year round. All because you gave them a lifelong useful gift.

Every season is a great season for giving Promotional Maglites. Your logo will last as long as the Maglite, which is almost forever.

National EMS Week and Promotional Maglites

National EMS Week and Promotional Maglites
National EMS Week

This week is National EMS Week in the US. President Gerald Ford declared this observance in 1974 to call attention to these vital workers.

How can we show our appreciation to those who risk their lives and their health to protect us?

National EMS Week and Promotional Maglites
Promotional Maglite

  1. Share your comments on social media using #NationalEMSWeek.
  2. Thank your friends and relatives who are first responders.
  3. Organize a luncheon at your church for all the local EMS workers.
  4. Give them Promotional Maglites as a show of appreciation.


All Sweethearts Deserve Promotional Maglites on Valentines Day

Say Happy Valentine's Day with Promotional Maglites
Say Happy Valentine’s Day with Promotional Maglites.


Flowers and candy only last a few days. Give your sweetheart Promotional Maglites! They are the gifts that will keep on giving.

These are the best sizes for carrying in a purse:

Mag-Lite Promotional Products K3A MagLite® Solitaire Flashlight

2aaled-red.jpg 2AALED Mini MagLite® LED Flashlight

M2A Mini MagLite® M2A Mini MagLite®


Promotional Maglites Celebrates Fibonacci Day, 2021 With a Special Sale

Promotional Maglites Celebrates Fibonacci Day, 2021
Promotional Maglites Celebrates Fibonacci Day, 2021

Promotional Maglites is incorporating a Fibonacci sequence (21,34) in a special 1-day sale, November 23, 2021 of the Maglite Solitaire LED K3ALED. The significance of the price is a series of 2 adjacent Fibonacci numbers. 21 and 34.

Each Fibonacci number is the sum of the 2 previous numbers, as such:


Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who discovered the sequence in 1202. This sequence has deep roots in nature, as in the petals of flowers. Why is today the special day? Because today is 11-23 (as in 1,1,2,3 the first four numbers in the series.

Promotional Maglites Celebrates Fibonacci Day
Promotional Maglites Celebrates Fibonacci Day

Carry a Torch During “National Singles Week” with Promotional Maglites

Promotional Maglites® Flashlights
Promotional Maglites® Flashlights Will Help You “Carry a Torch” For the One That Got Away.

The 3rd week in September is National Singles Week. Do you still “carry a torch” for someone that “got away”? If you do, make sure it is a Maglite torch. Promotional Maglites are the best flashlights that were ever made. They are sturdy because of the solid aluminum barrel. They are dependable because of the rubber O rings that keep out moisture. They are popular the world over, because they will never fail you.

Addicted to Promotional Maglights (Maglites)? So Are We. Here’s Why

Promotional Maglights® Come In Multiple Colors
Promotional Maglights® Come In Multiple Colors

Some things are habit-forming, like potato chips, beer, peanuts, long showers, afternoon naps. Other things are addicting, like Promotional Maglights. Here are my reasons:

  1. They are made in America.
  2. They seem to last forever, because of a sturdy aluminum barrel and durable switching mechanism.
  3. They come in many colors, to blend with our company logo.
  4. The laser engraved imprint lasts forever. It won’t scratch off.
  5. They are popular world-wide.
  6. The LED bulbs are extremely bright.
  7. Some models are re-chargeable.