Using a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Is a No-Brainer

If you have a pipeline and need to find the OD (outside diameter) it makes sense to use a pipe diameter tape measure. Even a chimp could be trained to use one. (I think). All you do is

My New Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
My New Pipe Diameter Tape
  1. Wrap the tape around the pipe.
  2. Read the marking where the zero mark touches the tape.
  3. Even though the tape is wrapped around the circumference, it is marked by a factor of pi, so it gives you the diameter.
  4. You’re done.

Now it’s time to enjoy the rest of the day in the shade.

These Diameter Tape Measures Can Help You Be a Pi Wizard Today

Diameter Tape Measures for #PiDay
Diameter Tape Measures for #PiDay

Even if you’re not a mathematician, I think it’s safe to say that most people know the symbol .

But do you remember what it actually represents? Here’s a quick math lesson: It’s the ratio of a circle’s circumference (the distance around the circle) to its diameter (edge to edge, measuring through the center). Today is March 14th (3.14),  but most math nerds like to celebrate it as #PiDay!

Did you also know..

  •  is constant for any circle, any size
  • Continues to infinity
  • In 1706 William Shaw, a Welsh mathematician, introduced the  symbol.
  • In 2010 a Japanese engineer and an American computer scientist broke the record for most digits calculated past the decimal: 5 trillion!
  • If you need to calculate the diameter of a tree trunk, pipe, or anything cylindrical, you will need a diameter tape measure. Just use it to measure the circumference, and it will calculate the diameter for you!
Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure

Here Is The Only Pipe Diameter Tape Measure You Need (Plus A Bonus One!)

It’s pretty safe to say that we’ve entered the 2020 Holiday Season. What will your Thanksgiving and Christmas look like this year? COVID has put quite a damper on the holidays, but I’m sure we can figure out some modified ways to celebrate.

As you’re planning your company’s holiday gift list, don’t forget to include this #1 pipe diameter tape measure!  ——>

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure


And this one comes in at a close 2nd!  —–>

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD