Meters Vs. Feet: The Diameter Tape Measure Debate

Diameter Tape Measures for #TapeMeasureDay
Diameter Tape Measures

It’s a worldwide debate: Imperial vs. Metric
Which side are you on? Here in the United States, we follow the imperial measuring system, which consists of inches and feet. However, most of the world follows the metric system (centimeters, meters).
For the benefit of everyone, diameter tape measures come in both metric and imperial styles, so no matter which side of the debate you are on, you can find a style on which to put your company logo.

W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape, Metric
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape, Metric
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches

How a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Gives You the Average Diameter of a Pipe

What is the “average” diameter of a pipe? This term would come into play only if the pipe is not exactly round in cross section.

A Flattened Pipe, in the Shape of an Oval
A Flattened Pipe, in the Shape of an Oval

If the pipe were deformed and flattened out, what would be the diameter of it? It would have a long diameter and short diameter. So how would you determine its original diameter?

Instead of using a caliper or micrometer and doing

An Irregular Deformation of a Pipe, in Cross Section
An Irregular Deformation of a Pipe, in Cross Section

some kind of calculation, you can do it the easy way. Use a pipe diameter tape measure. It will easily tell you what the original, or average, diameter is. Just wrap it around the pipe, and read off the “original” or “average” outside diameter.


Why Are Pipe Diameter Tape Measures So Scarce?

Why Are Pipe Diameter Tape Measures So Scarce?
Why Are Pipe Diameter Tape Measures So Scarce?

In 2021 and still in 2022, there are widespread supply chain issues worldwide. Many products that are made in China have had 2 problems making it to the United States. First of all, is their labor problem. Covid 19 outbreaks have closed down Chinese factories at least twice since 2019. Secondly, transportation issues have been another major issue. The price of shipping has increased drastically, and the port of Los Angeles had a bottleneck issue several months ago.

All these issues have contributed to the dramatic slowdown of raw materials and

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

finished products. Pipe diameter tape measures are no exception. Lufkin makes the most popular one, and has shipped only a small amount of inventory in the last 12 months to its distributors. At this point, August 2022, the future of more shipments is uncertain. An alternative diameter tape is made in China, the Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape. Shipments are due in the United States shortly, but maybe not soon enough or big enough to satisfy the need of customers.

A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure is used by oil companies and Water utility companies. The oil companies are doing very well right now, due to the profitability of oil drilling. So their need for these tapes is higher than the supply. This is driving up the price of the Pi-Cobra tapes. Hopefully, this supply chain problem will soon come to an end.

How to Choose the Right Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Why do you need to choose a diameter tape, anyway? Because you want a quick and easy way to take a tape measure out of your pocket and find the diameter of a pipe or other round object. The best pipe diameter tape measure for your job can be solved by asking these questions:

  • Metric or inch, or both? Some tapes are marked in any of these 3 different scales.

    Lufkin Y906PD pipe diameter tape measure, not Barlow W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape

  • How big is the pipe? Some tapes stop at 24 inch diameter. Some go to 38 inches.

    Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches T217-6654 Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches T217-6654

  • Does a brand name matter? Lufkin tools have made a name for themselves. Pi-Cobra tapes are made in China, but they are less expensive, and longer.
  • What accuracy do you need? The pocket sized ones are quick and convenient. They are accurate to 0.01 inch. If you need a highly accurate one, check out Pi Tape. They cost about 10 times as much, and they can’t fit in your pocket. But here is their accuracy: Pi Tape metric tapes have a diameter accuracy of ± 0,03 mm up to 3 600 millimeters. Pi Tape inch tapes have a diameter accuracy of ± 0,001″ up to 144 inches.
PI Tape 24" to 48" Range Periphery Tape Measure - 57-065-856PI Tape 24" to 48" Range Periphery Tape Measure - 57-065-856
PI Tape 24″ to 48″ Range Periphery Tape Measure ‑ 57‑065‑856


Is A Diameter Tape Measure The Best Gift To Give On Arbor Day?

Diameter Tape Measures for #ArborDay
Diameter Tape Measures for #ArborDay

Did you know that 149 years ago the first Arbor Day was celebrated in the U.S.? It is a springtime holiday that is celebrated nationwide to promote the importance of planting trees.

While in years past community events are usually held to celebrate this holiday, this year it will be quite different. Here are ways to appreciate our world’s trees during this pandemic:

  • Take a walk in the fresh air and look around you!
  • Read a book or find an online resource to expand your knowledge
  • Plant trees at your home, office, or school
  • Donate money to the Arbor Day Foundation or your local tree commission
  • Send diameter tape measures to employees at your local tree service

Lufkin OD Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure

The Diameter Tape Measure You Didn’t Know You Needed

Diameter Tape Measures
Diameter Tape Measures

Lufkin and Pi-Cobra are the two main brands of diameter tape measures that we carry. If you’re a regular user of these unique and useful tape measures, you know their special skill: measuring the diameter of pipes or other cylindrical items.

Which is your favorite to use?

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure- Metric & Inch
Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure- Metric & Inch

Let’s Give The Diameter Tape Measure A Bit of Attention Today

A Diameter Tape Measure Will Take Your Mind Off The News
A Diameter Tape Measure Will Take Your Mind Off The News

I bet this week is going to be a doozie, so I think I might just unplug the TV and not read the news online either. I need a detox from all of the social and political unrest that is consuming the news headlines daily.

So let’s completely change the topic and talk about the diameter tape measure!

What are the best features of these specialty tape measures?

  • Obviously, they measure an object’s diameter
  • Can be wrapped around a tree stump, pipe, pole, etc
  • Available in both imperial and metric measurements
  • Can be engraved with your company’s logo

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

How To Choose The Best Christmas Tree With A Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tape Measure & Christmas Trees
Diameter Tape Measure & Christmas Trees

Have you heard about the new secret tool to help you choose the best Christmas tree this year?

It is none other than the trusty diameter tape measure.

Sure, you can use your eyes to look for the tallest, widest, bushiest tree… but it’s not until you measure the stump with your diameter tape measure that you will truly know the tree’s age.

Just stick it in your pocket when you’re heading to the Christmas tree farm!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

The Pipe Diameter Tape Measure That’s the Black Sheep of the Family

The pipe diameter tape measure that is frequently overlooked, has more to offer than all the others.

This forgotten child gives you the outside diameter of a pipeline in both inches

The Black Sheep of Pipe Diameter Tape Measures
The Black Sheep of Pipe Diameter Tape Measures

and centimeters. It is valuable to both Americans (using the inch system) and those who use the Metric system of measurements. It goes up to 38″ diameter (955 millimeters diameter). The only thing it doesn’t offer is the ability to measure straight objects. You would have to have a regular tape for that.

Who would use this tape? Inspectors who travel and deal with both systems. Any drilling companies that use both metric and imperial systems of measurement.

Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Metric & Inch Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Metric & Inch

Happy Birthday To The Diameter Tape Measure!

Diameter Tape Measures for #TapeMeasureDay
Diameter Tape Measures for #TapeMeasureDay

Today may seem like a regular old Tuesday in July, but did you know that today is the one day a year we can officially celebrate the diameter tape measure? Today is Tape Measure Day!

Some fun facts:

  • William H. Bangs received the first patent in 1864 for a spring return pocket tape measure
  • 1920s: the concave-convex tape measure was invented (the current standard design of tapes); these become mass-produced
  • 1956: longest tape measure made- 600’ long!
  • Any of these retractable tape measures & diameter tape measures can be imprinted with your logo:

Lufkin OD Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure

Barlow 25' Gripper Tape Measure
Barlow 25′ Gripper Tape Measure

Lufkin 25' Chrome Legacy Tape Measure
Lufkin 25′ Chrome Legacy Tape Measure