Engraved Flashlights Aren’t For the Faint of Heart

Engraved Flashlights Will Make You Happy
Engraved Flashlights Will Make You Happy

If you know anything about flashlights, you’ll know that one with a long-lasting battery and light are the only ones you will ever need. Engraved flashlights are a trustworthy accessory that not everyone has in their pocket, but trust us, you’ll be happy to have one in an emergency. Which one below will you snag for yourself (and your customers, if they’re lucky!)

K3A MagLite® Solitaire Flashlight
K3A MagLite® Solitaire Flashlight
Mini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED
Mini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED

A Maglite Engraved Will Impress Even Your Toughest Critics

Impress with a Maglite Engraved
Impress with a Maglite Engraved

If you’re looking for a gift to impress your customers (or even your competitors), look no further than a Maglite engraved with your logo.
Want an LED version? No problem.

2AA LED Mini Maglite
2AA LED Mini Maglite


Looking for a pocket-sized style?   ↓ Here’s one! ↓

K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Blue
K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Blue

If You Were Stuck On A Deserted Island, Which Engraved Flashlights Would You Take?

Engraved Flashlights to take on a deserted island
Engraved Flashlights to take on a deserted island

It’s the million dollar question that has been around for decades: 
“If you were stuck on a deserted island who/what would you bring with you?”

Top answers are usually:
– Best friend/spouse
– Plenty of water
– Satellite phone
– First aid kit
But, do not forget how important engraved flashlights could be for your survival. Here are some great options to pack:

K3A LED Mini Maglite
K3A LED Mini Maglite
M3A LED Mini Maglite
M3A LED Mini Maglite

A Maglite Engraved For International Women’s Day Is A Gamechanger

Maglite Engraved for International Women's Day
Maglite Engraved for International Women’s Day

Today is a day being celebrated not only in the United States, but worldwide- it’s International Women’s Day. Let’s raise a toast to women today: for their strength, endurance, and ability to do anything they put their minds to. 
While we’re at it, let’s also raise a Maglite engraved to symbolize the light they shine in our lives.

K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Pink
K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Pink
M3A Mini Maglite
M3A Mini Maglite