Spring Into The Month Of March With A Lufkin Tape Measure

Lufkin Tape Measure for March
Lufkin Tape Measure for March

We made it through the longest month ever (January, why do you always feel so long?), and now we have sailed through the shortest month of the year. 
Hello to you, March! You are the month that welcomes springtime!
What is your favorite part about spring?

  • Sunshine & warmer weather
  • Fragrant flowers
  • Sending a fresh new Lufkin Tape Measure to your favorite customers

    W906PD Lufkin Tape Measure
    W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches

How Does a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Work

The title implies that the tape does the work, so you don’t have to. This is true. All

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

you have to do is wrap the tape around the pipe circumference. Then the markings on the tape show you the diameter. It does this because the markings are spread out by a factor of pi (3.14159).  So you don’t have to measure the circumference and divide by pi.

The accuracy of a pocket size Pipe Diameter Tape Measure is usually 100th of an inch diameter. That’s a pretty good resolution. They also come in metric units. Their accuracy is in millimeters diameter.

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape (pi Tape)





Who Makes the Lufkin Tape Measure?

Who Makes the Lufkin Tape Measure?
Today’s Lufkin Tape Measure

I sell Lufkin Tape Measures. I have noticed over the last 20 years, the other

names associated with that brand. It appeared that there were some mergers and acquisitions that I didn’t understand. Are they owned by another company? When did this happen? Where are the tapes made?

So, today I did a Google search to try to make some sense out of the history of Lufkin tapes. The search was not easy, because there seems to be another company by the name Lufkin Industries, and another one called Lufkin Trailers.

So here are the facts, as I know them today, in November 2024…….

In 1967, Cooper bought the Lufkin company.

In 2010, Apex Tool Group, LLC bought Lufkin. Crescent is part of the Apex group.

2017.  Crescent Tool acquired Lufkin. Crescent Tool is still part of the Apex Tool Group, LLC.

Now, in 2024, Wiss, Lufkin, Nicholson, H.K. Porter, and JOBOX are all brands of Crescent Tools.

The tapes that we all love, are branded “Crescent Lufkin” at this time.

Lufkin tapes used to be made in the USA. I know, because the gift box used to say that in 1991 when I started selling them. Today, according to my supplier, they are made in Mexico and China.

So, without being too wordy, that is the concise history of the Lufkin Tape Measure.

Lufkin Tape Measure: The Tool For August

Lufkin Tape Measure for August
Lufkin Tape Measure for August

What key item is missing from this list of must-have tools? 
– Hammer
– Flathead screwdriver
– Power drill
– Wrench
– Pliers

If you’re thinking a Lufkin Tape Measure, then you’re right! How could you get through any project without this tool? 

Lufkin Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Comparison of Brands

The 2 popular brands of Pipe Diameter Tape Measures are:

Lufkin w906pd

W906PD Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches




Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Pi-Cobra
Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure

Pi-Cobra T-217-6654

The similarities are:

  • Strong metal case
  • Pocket sized
  • Diameter in 100ths of an inch on one side, and linear inches on the other side
  • About the same price
  • Yellow metal tape insert
  • Your imprint can be in full color (cmyk)

The differences are:

  • Maximum diameter of the Lufkin in 23 inches. Maximum diameter of the Pi-Cobra is 38″.
  • Lufkin is made in Mexico and China. Pi-Cobra is made in China.
  • Luflin can be imprinted on the front only. The back is polished chrome. Pi-Cobra can be imprinted on both the front and back.


Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

The Lufkin Tape Measure That Will Make You Vastly More Popular

Try This Lufkin Tape Measure
Try This Lufkin Tape Measure

Being popular has always been one of those traits that people oddly yearn for. Why is it so important for us to be liked by everyone? Why can’t we just be content with our lives as they are, and not worry about what others think?
Regardless of if you’re a people-pleaser or not, having this Lufkin Tape Measure in your toolbox will no doubt grab people’s attention and impress their socks off.

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

How To Use A Lufkin Tape Measure On The First Day Of School

Lufkin Tape Measure for Back To School
Lufkin Tape Measure for Back To School

This month, parents across the country are busy gathering new school supplies and packing lunches for the new school year. As they try to accept the fact that their children are growing older, here are a few tips to get them through this back-to-school month:
* Plan coffee & lunch dates with friends
* Do a deep-clean of your house (and unused toys!)
* Pull out your Lufkin Tape Measure to see how tall your children grew this summer! (actually, these tape measures only measure diameters. so you better go grab a regular one!)

W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

Grab Your Lufkin Tape Measure For Today’s Ultimate Celebration

Celebrate with a Lufkin Tape Measure
Celebrate with a Lufkin Tape Measure

Today is a day that will catch everyone by surprise  . . . it’s National Tape Measure Day! How can you decorate for a super-kitsch party to celebrate this tool?
* Make garlands out of soft tape measures
* Play “Guess The Measurement of (insert item here)”
* Send everyone home with a swag bag full of a variety of tape measures, including this Lufkin Tape Measure:

W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches

Enter Long Weekend Mode With A Lufkin Tape Measure

Lufkin Tape Measure for summer
Lufkin Tape Measure for summer

Most people see the official “beginning of summer” as Memorial Day weekend. Schools are finishing up, the weather is (finally) getting warmer, and pools are opening! Do you know another sign that it’s summer? Pulling out your Lufkin Tape Measure. Okay, that probably doesn’t quite connect in most people’s heads. Tape measures = Summer? It’s okay – not everything has to make sense! But it’s undeniable that a Lufkin Tape Measure will be a great thing to have handy for your summer projects. 

W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

Celebrate Spring With A Lufkin Tape Measure

Lufkin Tape Measure for Spring
Lufkin Tape Measure for Spring

We can finally say that the first week of spring is here- which means goodbye to the cold and snow, and hello to warmer days and rain showers! What better way to celebrate the season of rebirth and growth than to hand out a Lufkin tape measure. One fun way to use it this spring is to see how much the tree trunks in your yard have grown in diameter this past year.  What are other unique ways can you use a Lufkin tape measure this season?

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD