Who in the World Needs a Pipe Diameter Measuring Tape

Who in the World?

If you could wrap a pipe diameter measuring tape around the earth, you would get 7,917.5 mi diameter. That’s if the tape were calibrated in miles. But most diameter tapes are marked in inches or centimeters. Who in the world needs a pipe diameter measuring tape? These people do….

Oil Workers
Oil & Gas Workers
  • gas and oil line repairmen and inspectors
  • gas and oil line engineers
  • oil rig drillers and inspectors
  • pipeline engineers
  • plumbers
  • auto repair mechanics
  • boat repair people
  • arborists and foresters
  • hose manufacturers
  • ball manufacturers
  • HVAC installers and designers
  • engineers
  • architects
  • machinists

Who Uses A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure?

W616AC Diameter Tape Measure
W616AC Diameter Tape Measure

Most people never heard of a pipe diameter tape measure. But some people use them every day in their job. Who are these people?

  • Plumbers
  • Oil and gas drillers
  • Pipe fitters
  • Car Mechanics
  • Boat repair Mechanics
  • Water department workers
  • Oil line pipe repair men
  • Gas line pipe repair men
  • Tree people, arborists
  • Foresters
  • Tree nurserymen

    W906PDC Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape
    W906PDC Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape