What Is The Most Bizarre Thing You Can Measure With A Diameter Tape Measure?

Diameter Tape Measure for National Tater Tot Day
Diameter Tape Measure for National Tater Tot Day

Sure, you can measure completely normal and expected items with a diameter tape measure: pipes, trees, poles, etc.  But how about we get a little crazy today and think of bizarre things that we can measure. 
– water bottles
– your leg
– tater tots (it’s National Tater Tot Day!)

A Little-Known Fact About The Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for National Cheese Lover's Day
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for National Cheese Lover’s Day

Sure, a pipe diameter tape measure is typically used to (surprise!) measure the diameter of a pipe. But did you know that it can also be used to measure the diameter of many other things?

  • Trees
  • Poles
  • Wheels of cheese (Well, today is National Cheese Lover’s Day, so why not?!)
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

Never Have I Ever… Re-Gifted This Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tape Measure for Re-Gifting Day
Diameter Tape Measure for Re-Gifting Day

With only 4 days left until Christmas, I am sure many of you have been to countless holiday parties with coworkers and friends. Did any of these parties include a White Elephant gift exchange? 
If you’re anything like me, these gift exchanges make me uncomfortable. No one is shopping for anyone in particular, so none of the gifts are personal. Odds are, you have received a few gifts from these parties that you would rather, well… re-gift. 
Today is National Re-Gifting Day, a perfect time to re-wrap those less-than-desired gifts you’ve received this month, and give them to someone who will really appreciate them. 
But the one gift you’ve received that I know you won’t re-gift is the tried-and-true diameter tape measure. It’s too good to give away! 

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD (Inches)

Create The Most Unique Gingerbread House With A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Gingerbread House
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Gingerbread House

Making gingerbread houses is a fun pastime in many households during the holiday season. They are not known for being easy to make, but if you have the patience and can get it right, they are beautiful. 
For the most part, gingerbread houses that are made during the holiday season are square or rectangular. But perhaps think outside the box this time and make a cylindrical one. 
A pipe diameter tape measure will be key to measuring your festive house, and maybe you can even invent a new holiday game: Guess the diameter of the gingerbread house!

Happy holidays!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

This Lufkin Tape Measure Will Remind Us To Give To Others Today

Lufkin Tape Measure Giving Tuesday
Lufkin Tape Measure Giving Tuesday

Now that the 2022 Holiday season is upon us, many people have begun shopping for their nearest and dearest. It is easy to get caught up in all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, spending money on frivolous items. That’s why today is an important day to remember during the holidays: Giving Tuesday.
Consider this:
– Donate money to a local charity or non-profit in your area
-Order a Lufkin tape measure and donate them to a local company

Happy holidays!

Can A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Get You Promoted?

Pipe Diameter Tape Measures for National Boss's Day
Pipe Diameter Tape Measures for National Boss’s Day

Are you itching for a promotion or a raise? Usually hard work pays off, but when it doesn’t, you can always resort to a little harmless bribery, right?
Okay, maybe that is not the best route to take in the business world, but a kind gesture does go a long way. Today is National Boss’s Day, so go ahead and give your boss a little gift to show your appreciation. 
Need ideas? Here are a few!
– a pipe diameter tape measure with “World’s Best Boss” printed on it
– gift card to his/her favorite coffee shop
– a thoughtful basket filled with snacks & treats

Meters Vs. Feet: The Diameter Tape Measure Debate

Diameter Tape Measures for #TapeMeasureDay
Diameter Tape Measures

It’s a worldwide debate: Imperial vs. Metric
Which side are you on? Here in the United States, we follow the imperial measuring system, which consists of inches and feet. However, most of the world follows the metric system (centimeters, meters).
For the benefit of everyone, diameter tape measures come in both metric and imperial styles, so no matter which side of the debate you are on, you can find a style on which to put your company logo.

W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape, Metric
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape, Metric
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches

Is A Diameter Tape Measure The Best Gift To Give On Arbor Day?

Diameter Tape Measures for #ArborDay
Diameter Tape Measures for #ArborDay

Did you know that 149 years ago the first Arbor Day was celebrated in the U.S.? It is a springtime holiday that is celebrated nationwide to promote the importance of planting trees.

While in years past community events are usually held to celebrate this holiday, this year it will be quite different. Here are ways to appreciate our world’s trees during this pandemic:

  • Take a walk in the fresh air and look around you!
  • Read a book or find an online resource to expand your knowledge https://www.arborday.org/
  • Plant trees at your home, office, or school
  • Donate money to the Arbor Day Foundation or your local tree commission
  • Send diameter tape measures to employees at your local tree service

Lufkin OD Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure

These Diameter Tape Measures Can Help You Be a Pi Wizard Today

Diameter Tape Measures for #PiDay
Diameter Tape Measures for #PiDay

Even if you’re not a mathematician, I think it’s safe to say that most people know the symbol .

But do you remember what it actually represents? Here’s a quick math lesson: It’s the ratio of a circle’s circumference (the distance around the circle) to its diameter (edge to edge, measuring through the center). Today is March 14th (3.14),  but most math nerds like to celebrate it as #PiDay!

Did you also know..

  •  is constant for any circle, any size
  • Continues to infinity
  • In 1706 William Shaw, a Welsh mathematician, introduced the  symbol.
  • In 2010 a Japanese engineer and an American computer scientist broke the record for most digits calculated past the decimal: 5 trillion!
  • If you need to calculate the diameter of a tree trunk, pipe, or anything cylindrical, you will need a diameter tape measure. Just use it to measure the circumference, and it will calculate the diameter for you!

Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure

Lufkin OD Tape Measure
Lufkin OD Tape Measure

The Diameter Tape Measure You Didn’t Know You Needed

Diameter Tape Measures
Diameter Tape Measures

Lufkin and Pi-Cobra are the two main brands of diameter tape measures that we carry. If you’re a regular user of these unique and useful tape measures, you know their special skill: measuring the diameter of pipes or other cylindrical items.

Which is your favorite to use?

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure- Metric & Inch
Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure- Metric & Inch