Better yet, do they need one with your company logo on it?

A pipe diameter tape measure is an extremely useful tool, but not for everyone. Who needs one? Let me make a list…
- Plumbers. Before he tears into a repair job, he can use a pipe diameter tape to find what size of pipe to bring to the job.
- Car repair people. When they want to find the size of a hose before they take off the old one.
- Boat repair people. To measure the sizes of hoses without removing them.
- HVAC installers and repairmen. Round pipes need to be measured when making a modification to an existing installation.
- Electricians when they use conduits. When you want to know the outside diameter of an installed conduit.
- Tree nurserymen. The best time to dig out a young tree is when the trunk has reached a certain diameter.
- Oilfield workers. How big of a pipe is required to attach to your drilling operation?
- Gas field workers. What is the diameter of an installed gas pipe, so you can repair it, or put a new plastic pipe inside of it?
- Oil drilling personnel. What is the diameter of a pipe that is in the drilling machine?
- Pipeline inspectors. To calculate the optimum flow, you need to know the size of the pipe.
- Pipeline repairmen. What size pipe do you need to order, before you remove the old pipe?
- Machinists. They use a pipe diameter tape measure for many tasks around the shop.