7 Quick Tips About Pipe Tally Books

  1. Pipe Tally Books are not just for people working with pipes.Image result for girl in hard hat
    I Use Pipe Tally Books At Work
  2. They are for people who need to continually record data in the field. Data that needs to be entered by hand, with a pen, in columns, and safely kept in your pocket, away from rain and dirt.
  3. Tally Books are used by contractors, architects, surveyors, electricians, estimators, truckers, botanists, environmentalists, loggers, railroaders, and geologists.

    3410-Jr Tallybook.jpg Tally Book Junior 3410

  4. They are custom made to show off your logo and artwork. Simple one color imprints or full color imprints are possible. Waterproof stone pads are optional. Pen loops and pocket inserts are optional also.
  5. Your choice of vinyl color will be made into the cover.
  6. Stock art is available, or you may furnish your own high resolution full color photos.

    3400-3410-CR5.jpg Stock Art- Oil Rig Tally Book 3400CR5

  7. Various pad sizes and styles are available. Sewn pad, Junior size, Full size, flexible cover, wire bound books, tri-fold, and steno style books are options.

2 Thermos Water Bottles You Have Never Seen

The thermos bottle was a ground-breaking invention of Sir James Dewar in 1892. He was an Oxford University scientist. His invention was bought in 1907 by three companies around the world. Since then, Thermos has been a household name. The companies have undergone numerous sales and acquisitions, even as late as 1997. One thing has remained constant over the years.. the quality of a useful everyday consumer product. The original Thermos water bottle used a vacuum in a glass insert. Now the vacuum is held by a double wall stainless steel container. Stainless steel is more durable than glass.

Here are 2 Thermos products you might not be aware of.

h_80065 Thermos® Leakproof Backpack Bottle 80065


h_80080 Thermos® Beverage Can Insulator 80080


5 Signs You Should Invest in Architect Scale Rulers

  1. Architect At Work
    Architect At Work

    You are an architect.

  2. Your clients are architects.
  3. Your clients are design firms that employ architects.
  4. Your clients read blueprints all day long, like building estimators and contractors.
  5. Your clients are draftsmen.

    3331-3130 Architect 6″ Four Bevel Scales 3130

When you put your company logo on a useful item, like architect scale rulers or architect tapes, then your target market will see your logo every time they use the ruler. When it comes time to use a company like yours, you will stand out above all your competitors. And since your logo and phone number are on the product they are using, you will get the phone call, and more business.

3331-3130 Architect 6″ Four Bevel Scales 3130

3030 Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale 3030

3010 Architect 6″ Pocket Scale 3010


Who in the World Needs a Pipe Diameter Measuring Tape

Who in the World?

If you could wrap a pipe diameter measuring tape around the earth, you would get 7,917.5 mi diameter. That’s if the tape were calibrated in miles. But most diameter tapes are marked in inches or centimeters. Who in the world needs a pipe diameter measuring tape? These people do….

Oil Workers
Oil & Gas Workers
  • gas and oil line repairmen and inspectors
  • gas and oil line engineers
  • oil rig drillers and inspectors
  • pipeline engineers
  • plumbers
  • auto repair mechanics
  • boat repair people
  • arborists and foresters
  • hose manufacturers
  • ball manufacturers
  • HVAC installers and designers
  • engineers
  • architects
  • machinists