How to Make Your Tally Books More Useful

Oilfield and gas field workers use Tally Books every hour of the day. They keep

How to Build a Better Pipe Tally Book
How to Build a Better Pipe Tally Book

track of when tasks are done, the size and length of the pipes they install, and gauge readings. How can you make their pipe tally books more useful to them?

  1. Add a vinyl pen loop, so the workers won’t loose their pen or pencil.
  2. Design the book with spiral binding instead of stitched binding, so the book will lay flat.
  3. Make the color of the vinyl cover bright, so it can be found easily in a pile of other items.
  4. Print valuable information on the back cover, or on the inside of the cover. This can be phone numbers, conversion tables, decimal equivalents, etc.
  5. Order a 3 page clear vinyl insert, so you can store business cards, printed material, and other important info.
  6. Order a water-resistant stone pad for more durability. These amazing pads look like paper pads, but you can’t tear them, and they resist water damage.

3410-Jr Tallybook.jpg Tally Book Junior 3410 (Top Seller)

Make Fishing & Boating Week Last All Year With This Fishing Calendar

Fishing Calendar for #FishingBoatingWeek
Fishing Calendar for #FishingBoatingWeek

It’s finally June (the first day of summer is almost here!) and that means it’s time to spend as much time as possible outdoors. This week is Fishing & Boating Week, a perfect way to start your summer.

Thankfully most stay-at-home orders are being lifted, making it possible to celebrate this holiday. Is your fishing rod ready? Is your tacklebox fully-supplied? If you don’t have a boat, go rent one with a few friends and get out on the water!

But for those rainy days, and all through the winter, you can gaze at the beautiful pictures in this fishing calendar to remind you of those lovely summer days on the water.

Fishing Calendar for #FishingBoatingWeek
Fishing Calendar

The Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Takes on a New Function During the COVID-19 Situation

The pipe diameter tape measure is normally used by pipeline workers and inspectors. They wrap it around the circumference of the pipe, and read the

A New Use for a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
A New Use for a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

diameter size on the tape. Now this useful tape can take on a new use during the COVID-19 lockdown.

For those of you who are forced to stay at home every day, you may have discovered the comforting appeal of the refrigerator. It’s always there with food for when you are hungry. It’s even there when you are not hungry, but just need some comfort. If you have a bathroom scale, you may have noticed that the spring might be getting weaker this month. Or, could it be that you are actually putting on weight?

A Lufkin pipe diameter tape measure can be a fun way to try to prove that your bathroom scale might be broken. Wrap it around your waist or your arm, and see for sure if you are getting too chummy with the Frigidaire.


Keep Your Employees and Customers in Good Health With This Custom Hand Sanitizer

Health & Safety Gifts for Your Employees & Customers
Health & Safety Gifts for Your Employees & Customers

Even though the majority of the country is working from home these days, there are still easy ways to connect to your customers and employees. Daily video conferences? Check. Touch-base texts? Check. End-of-week happy hour video chat? Check.

You can show them you care about their health and safety during this pandemic by sending them all much sought-after bottles of custom hand sanitizer, safety glasses, and N95 masks.

It’s as easy as a click:

Custom Hand Sanitizer
Custom Hand Sanitizer
Safety Glasses
Safety Glasses
N95 Mask
N95 Mask