The Diameter Tape Measure: A Calculator Without Batteries

Diameter Tape Measure Does The Calculating For You
A Diameter Tape Measure Does The Calculating For You

Why do we call the diameter tape measure a calculator? Because when you wrap it around the circumference of a pipe or a post, it “calculates” the outside diameter instantaneously. It’s a calculator that never slows down because it doesn’t use batteries. The special scale is in inches or millimeters, and it is stretched out by the factor of pi (3.14159). That’s how it does it for you.

Diameter Tape Measure Does The Calculating For You
There’s No Need to Divide By pi



How to Solve Problems with a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

I Can Solve It With A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
I Can Solve It With A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

A tape measure can solve basically one problem….How long is the item? But a pipe diameter tape measure can solve a short list of problems for you.

  • What is the outside diameter (OD) of that pipeline, without having to cut into it. You don’t even have to divide by pi.
  • What is the diameter of a tree trunk.
  • What is the accurate diameter of a tire.
  • What is the diameter of a beach ball, when fully inflated.

Even if the pipe is distorted, and the cross sectional diameter would be different in different directions, you can do it. The pipe diameter tape measure can tell you what the diameter would be, if it weren’t distorted. That’s because the measurement is based on the circumference. The tape automatically divides by pi (3.14159) for you.

Lufkin Makes the Best Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Makes the Best Pipe Diameter Tape Measure




Personalized Pens: Perfect For Punctuation Day

Personalized Pens for #PunctuationDay
Personalized Pens for #PunctuationDay

How annoying is it when you read an email from someone and it has incorrect punctuation? That drives me up the wall!

Today is National Punctuation Day, the perfect day to encourage those around you to use correct punctuation.

How can you celebrate today?

  • Go for a walk and look for errors on signs
  • Read the newspaper and circle any incorrect punctuation
  • Buy some personalized pens for your office and encourage them to write an error-free note to someone
Garland Founders Chrome Pen
Garland Founders Chrome Pen
Chrome Dart Pen
Chrome Dart Pen
Touchscreen Stylus Pen
Touchscreen Stylus Pen

How to Supercharge Your Tally Books

Workers and inspectors in the oilfields and gas fields all use tally books to keep track of data. What kind of data?

  • Diameter size of pipe

    Tally Books in the Field
    Tally Books in the Field
  • Length of pipe
  • Time of installation of a pipe
  • Voltage levels of wind turbines
  • Speed of the wind turbines
  • Amount of fuel and lubricants at different times throughout the day
  • Unusual drilling actions to report
  • Pressure of different gauges

To supercharge your tally books, here are some cool ideas:

  1. Put your full color company logo on the outside front vinyl cover.
  2. List important phone numbers on the back cover.
  3. Print a conversion table inside.
  4. Install a pen loop on the side.
  5. Instead of getting a 200 sheet paper pad, get a 100 sheet “stone pad”, which is waterproof and tear proof.
  6. Add a clear vinyl insert so a worker can place business cards and important notes.