The Irony of Pipe Tally Books

Those in the oil well drilling business use tally books continually every day. They

Oilfield Tally Books 3400CR4
Oilfield Tally Books 3400CR4

keep a close record of when they attach a new section of pipe, and how long it is, and what time it is. The books are just the right size to fit into a pocket, so the books are kept right where they are needed. So tally books are a necessity in the oil drilling business.

To protect the book from weather and abrasion, the cover is made of vinyl. That’s where the irony hits. Vinyl is a man-made fabric made from OIL!

How do they make vinyl?

It was developed only in 1920 as an inexpensive durable fabric that is easy to make. It is made out of oil and salt, and its real name in poly vinyl chloride.

Here are the details for you scientists:

They break down petroleum using high pressure and temperature. This is called cracking. The results are ethylene, butadiene, propylene, and a few other things. They combine salt (a source of chlorine) with the ethylene using “electrolytic disassociation”. They add a few other compounds and end up with poly vinyl chloride (vinyl).

As you know, vinyl is ubiquitous, and very inexpensive. However, it looks expensive, similar to leather.

How a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Gives You the Average Diameter of a Pipe

What is the “average” diameter of a pipe? This term would come into play only if the pipe is not exactly round in cross section.

A Flattened Pipe, in the Shape of an Oval
A Flattened Pipe, in the Shape of an Oval

If the pipe were deformed and flattened out, what would be the diameter of it? It would have a long diameter and short diameter. So how would you determine its original diameter?

Instead of using a caliper or micrometer and doing

An Irregular Deformation of a Pipe, in Cross Section
An Irregular Deformation of a Pipe, in Cross Section

some kind of calculation, you can do it the easy way. Use a pipe diameter tape measure. It will easily tell you what the original, or average, diameter is. Just wrap it around the pipe, and read off the “original” or “average” outside diameter.


How To Read Blueprints With an Architect Scale Ruler

How To Read Blueprints With an Architect Scale Ruler
How To Read Blueprints With an Architect Scale Ruler

This week (the 3rd week of September) is National Construction Appreciation Week. Construction covers a wide array of activities. Building bridges, razing barns, pouring concrete, painting buildings, covering roofs, making highways, installing drywall, and pounding nails, are all part of the picture of building our environment.

An important tool that is common to all these activities is the architect scale ruler. It is used by

  • architects
  • builders
  • estimators
  • designers
  • contractors

It helps to measure the size of things on a blueprint. The 2 common configurations are 1/4″ and 1/8″. On the 1/4″ scale, each mark is 1/4″ apart, and numbered from zero, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. If the blueprint is drawn to that scale, then the “5” mark on the scale means 5 feet, or 5 miles, or whatever the blueprint says.

How to Incorporate Diameter Tape Measures in National Construction Appreciation Week

Using Diameter Tape Measures in National Construction Appreciation Week
Using Diameter Tape Measures in National Construction Appreciation Week

Next week is National Construction Appreciation Week. How can we celebrate that?

  1. Thank a contractor that has done work for you.
  2. If a friend or relative works in construction, take them to dinner.
  3. Give out a diameter tape measure to all the contractors you know. Make sure it has your company logo on it. That’s not just good will, that’s good advertising.

Who Needs a Maglite Engraved This Sunday?

Who Needs a Maglite Engraved This Sunday?
Who Needs a Maglite Engraved This Sunday?

Sunday is National Grandparents Day. Chances are, the gray side of the family is having trouble seeing at night. They may even have trouble seeing in the daytime. What better gift, than a Maglite engraved with “I Love you Grandma”, or “You’re the Best Grandpa”.

How to Use Your Tally Books on National Beach Day

A good way to keep records while you are outside is using tally books. They are

Tally book Uses
Tally book Uses

weatherproof, water resistant, and inconspicuous. Here are some tips on using your tally book on National Beach Day at your favorite beach.

  • Make your grocery list during this relaxing time. Since you are sitting in the hot sun, you will probably write a lot of salty, crunchy foods on your list.
  • Keep track of what kind of bathing suit you want to buy for yourself. You should have enough ideas walk by.
  • Write a poem
  • Start a short story about some aspect of your life.
  • Write the lyrics to a song, if you are a musician.

See, tally books have many uses other than keeping track of pipes in an oilfield.

4 Answers to Your Questions about Lufkin Diameter Tape Measures

Here are 4 recent questions about diameter tape measures.

  1. Are the Lufkin diameter tapes in stock?

    Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measures
    Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
  2. When do you expect more stock?
  3. What is Lufkin’s problem with production?
  4. Do you have a substitute for the Lufkin diameter tape measure?


Here are my best answers:

  1. Unfortunately, there are none in stock anywhere. Lufkin doesn’t even have any.
  2. They have continually moved back their ship date since January 2022. At this point, I won’t be happy until they tell us that they shipped us some tapes.
  3. I don’t know whether it is a raw material shortage, labor shortage, or otherwise. This problem has existed for 12 months now. I can’t imagine what the problem might be with Lufkin/Apex.
  4. Yes. Definitely. The Pi-Cobra tapes are an excellent substitute. The T217-6654 measures pipe diameters up to 38 inches, in 100ths of an inch. Your imprint can even be put on both sides of the case, at an extra charge. It is also available in metric scale (T217-6657).