If you (or your boss) wants to get engraved flashlights for a promotion, here are 7 tips to make your task quick and easy.
- Get your best art file of your logo from your artist. Vector art is preferred, since it is the neatest. Examples of vector art files are .ai, .eps, and sometimes .pdf or .png.
- Find out how many flashlights you need for your promotion. Is your promotion
Doug-Oslance-starlineFL129 for a safety program or service award program? You may want to order a few extra for last minute changes.
- What type of flashlight do you want to use? What is your budget? Maglites® are the best, and more costly than imported LED flashlights.
- Find a reputable merchant online by searching for “engraved flashlights“.
- Does their website make the ordering process simple and easy?
- Call or email the merchant to see what details they need. Is there room on the flashlight for a phone number or a slogan?
- Complete the order online, and submit your credit card number and your art file. Now just wait for the email proof, and then your engraved flashlights. Enjoy!