How Does One Use An Architect Scale Ruler?

The people that need to use an Architect Scale Ruler aren’t just architects. Here’s

How Do You Use an Architect Scale Ruler?
How Do You Use an Architect Scale Ruler?

a list of other users:

  1. Real estate developers
  2. Bidding contractors
  3. Electricians
  4. Builders
  5. Zoning officers
  6. Home designers
  7. Painting bidders
  8. HVAC contractors
  9. Plumbing contractors
  10. Architects
How Does One Use An Architect Scale Ruler
How To Read Blueprints

When looking at blueprints, you notice that they are drawn to a specific scale. The scale is not the same for a room, a house, a neighborhood, or a development. The scale is noted at the bottom right corner of the drawing in the information box. Typical scales are:

  • 1/4
  • 1/8

1/4 could be used for “1/4 inch equals one foot”, or “1/4 inch equals 100 feet”, or “1/4 inch equals one mile”. It depends on the scale of the drawing.

How do you use the Architect Scale Ruler?

If the drawing information box says “1/4 inch equals one mile”, then place the 1/4 part of the ruler along the object that you are measuring. If the object lines up with “9” on the ruler, then it is 9 miles long. Simple enough.

Remember, the clue to which scale to use, is in the information box on the drawing.

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