The 3 Key Features of An Architect Scale Ruler (Plus a Bonus Feature!)

Architect Scale Rulers Save The Day
Architect Scale Rulers Save The Day

The average person doesn’t typically use an architect scale ruler– we tend to stick to just a regular ol’ ruler or tape measure. To be honest with you, I hadn’t even heard of these unique rulers until just a few years ago!

What do you think their best features are?

  1. Ability to quickly translate the measurements on a blueprint
  2. They are small and portable (ie: pocket-friendly!)
  3. They come in both rigid and flexible styles

Bonus feature #4: They can be imprinted with your company’s logo!

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale

No Holiday Gift List Will Be Complete Without This Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler for the Holidays
Architect Scale Ruler for the Holidays

The holiday season is officially upon us, and people are eagerly putting together their holiday gift lists. It’s best to plan ahead and take care of the employees and customers on your list who need an architect scale ruler. These are the best ones to spoil them with:

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale

Did Christopher Columbus Use An Architect Scale Ruler?

Architect Scale Rulers for #ColumbusDay
Architect Scale Rulers for #ColumbusDay

As our minds drift back to elementary American history lessons tomorrow, one can only think, “Did Christopher Columbus have access to an architect scale ruler in his day?”

Okay, sure, that’s probably not the first question that pops to mind when you think about Columbus Day. But surely, Columbus must have possessed a ruler of sorts to help measure his ships, even if it wasn’t an architect scale ruler.

Did you know..

  • Basic rulers can be dated back to 2650 BCE
  • Architect scale rulers are usually made of durable aluminum or rigid plastic
  • These specialty rulers help architects accurately make their drawings to scale
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale

The Anatomy of a Great Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Rulers
Architect Scale Rulers Help Convert Measurements

Not all rulers are created equal. Some are rigid, some are retractable tapes, some are in metric, some are in imperial. There is also a special kind of ruler used for converting the measurements on a scaled-down drawing or map: the architect scale ruler.

Here is the basic makeup of architect scale rulers:

  • They come in a variety of scales
  • Retractable tapes offer 2 different scales- one on each side of the tape
  • Bevel & triangular architect scale rulers offer 4-6 different scales
  • There are a variety of sizes- some can even fit in your pocket!

No matter what drawing you are measuring, there is a special architect scale ruler to help you out.

Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Why Your Customers Need An Architect Scale Ruler

If you see any of your customers on this list, they need an architect scale ruler.

Not only do they need one, but they will be eternally grateful that you are generous enough to recognize their needs.

  • Architects

    Architect Using an Architect Scale Ruler
    Architect Using an Architect Scale Ruler
  • City Planners
  • Builders
  • Kitchen Designers
  • Carpenters
  • Contractors
  • Construction Estimators
  • Real Estate Developers
  • Draftsmen
  • Homeowners designing their own kitchen
  • Concrete Contractors
  • Electricians
  • HVAC Contractors
  • Structural Engineers
  • Civil Engineers

Why Your Customers Need An Architect Scale Ruler

3030 Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale 3030

A good way to advertise your company is putting your logo on useful tools. Then give those tools to your customers or contacts. A unique measuring tool is an architect scale ruler. If you are in the building or remodeling business, this form of advertising is taylor-made for you. It will last forever, and so will your logo.

Your clients and customers can use it for:

  • Reading the blueprints for building a new house.
  • Reading the remodeling plans for an addition
  • Making paper models of furniture to put in a new house.
  • Choosing the right size hot tub or Jacuzzi to put in a new addition.
  • Seeing if your present furniture will fit in your new house.

How to Use an Architect Scale Ruler

An architect scale ruler can come in many sizes and gradations. For now, let’s keep it simple, just to get started. Here is how these handy rulers can make reading a blueprint very easy.

  • First, look in the title block of the blueprint, which is usually located in the bottom right hand corner. It will tell you which scale to use. If it says: 1/4″=1′, then you will be using the 1/4 scale on the architect ruler. That means, 1/4″ on the blueprint represents 1 foot in the actual size of the object. If it says: 1/8″=1′, then you will be using the 1/8 scale on the architect ruler. Many other scales are used, because of the size limits of the paper the drawing is put on, and the actual size of the object or building or landscape.
  • Now, simply use the correct scale to measure the actual size of each part of the drawing.
  • Fine-tuning: You will notice that the zero mark is not the first mark on the scale. It is preceded by some very small gradations. These gradations could have been printed on the entire scale, but that would be very hard on the eyes. Let’s say you are measuring a line that is between 5 and 6 units. Now put the 5 mark on one end of the line. Look now to the other end of the line where it lines up with the very small gradations. Here you can read how much more than 5 units the line is.
  • If this sounds a little confusing, just give it a try, and you will see how easily you will catch on.

3030 Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale 3030


How to Use An Architect Scale Ruler

How To Read Blueprints
How To Read Blueprints

To use an architect scale ruler is not an easy task. Since these rulers come in many configurations, you first must know which scale to use. Here are the basic steps:

    1. Find the scale needed in the Title Block of the blueprint. If it says 1/8″ equals 1 foot, then go to the next step.
    2. Use the right scale. 1/8, 1/4, etc. The 1/8 scale means that the markings are 1/8″ apart. The 1/4 scale means that the markings are 1/4″ apart.
    3. Lay the scale on the blueprint and measure your object. If you are using the 1/8 scale, and the object is at mark 5 on the scale, then it is 5 feet long.
    4. Accuracy. If the object is not an even number of markings on your scale, you can get the accurate measurement by using the fine markings before the zero mark. Say the object is between 5 and 6 on your scale. Just slide the final mark (5 in this case) to the end of the object. Then you can read the answer as 5 marks plus whatever the object lines up with in the fine markings below the zero mark.

There are complete instructions shown here:

How to Use An Architect Scale Tape
How to Use An Architect Scale Tape