Set A Good Example With An Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler for National Set A Good Example Day
Architect Scale Ruler for National Set A Good Example Day

In preparation for tomorrow – it’s National Set A Good Example Day – let’s make a quick list of how you can do exactly that!

  • Be kind to a stranger
  • Donate time or money to a good cause
  • Show good manners
  • Order an Architect Scale Ruler for your customers

    Architect Scale Ruler
    Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Measure Up The Last Sandcastles of the Summer With An Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler for Sandcastle Day
Architect Scale Ruler for Sandcastle Day

If you couldn’t already tell by all of the back-to-school supplies taking over the store shelves these days, summer is almost over. 
What were your favorite memories of Summer 2024?
– Backyard BBQ’s with family & friends
– Lazy days by the pool
– Building sandcastles on the beach (Did you know that today is National Sandcastle Day?)

If your favorite memory was a sandy beach day, then I sure hope you brought an Architect Scale Ruler to measure up your creation and see what its real-life size would be!

Architects Scale Ruler Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Take Your Mind Off Of Your Taxes With An Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler for Tax Day
Architect Scale Ruler for Tax Day

Whether you like it or not, today is Tax Day – a day where many of us say sayonara to our hard-earned money.  Sure, our tax dollars go to support many fellow Americans via government-run organizations, but it is still sad to see it leave our bank accounts.

Let’s hope you’re one of the lucky ones and see a tax return check in your inbox!  What will you buy with your new moolah?

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

The Architect Scale Ruler Everyone Should Have Tried By Now

Try This Architect Scale Ruler
Try This Architect Scale Ruler

Are you an adventurous person who tries new things every chance you get? Now is your opportunity to delve into the world of unique rulers! Have you tried any of these specialized tools?
📏 Flexible tape measure
📏 Diameter tape measure
📏 Architect Scale Ruler ( Check out some below!)

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

Kick Your Boredom To The Curb With This Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler to Kick Boredom
Architect Scale Ruler to Kick Boredom

It’s the third week in July, and we are slowly nearing the end of summer vacation (for those who are unfortunate enough to start school mid-August). Are your children becoming bored with nothing to do? Here are some fun tips to keep the rest of their summer fun and to celebrate National Anti-Boredom Month:
☀️ Plan a scavenger hunt (great for indoor or outdoor fun!)
☀️ Sign them up for a last-minute camp (keep the type of camp a surprise until the first day!)
☀️ Teach them how to use an Architect Scale Ruler (or any other tool that is foreign to them)

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

You Should Really Only Use This Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

It should come as no surprise that not all rulers are created equal. They come in plastic, wood, or metal; measuring in metric or imperial. Some tape measures can measure the diameter of a cylinder, while others (namely the architect scale ruler) can accurately measure and convert scaled drawings. 

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

This Architect Scale Ruler Is An Architect’s Dream

Architect Scale Ruler Faves
Architect Scale Ruler Faves

The average person doesn’t know how useful an architect scale ruler is to those in the electrical, HVAC, construction, and architect fields. There are a variety of shapes and sizes that are a daily lifesaver for people working in those fields. Here is one architect scale ruler that architects dream about (or so we’ve heard): 

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

What Would You Do With An Architect Scale Ruler If You Had One?

What Would You Do With An Architect Scale Ruler?
What Would You Do With An Architect Scale Ruler?

An architect scale ruler is by far one of the most unique rulers out there. They do not have the typical measurements that a regular ruler has. Instead, they can help you determine the measurements of a scaled-down map or blueprint. If today was your lucky day and you had an architect scale ruler, here are the first 3 things you should do with it: 
– Imprint it with your company logo 
– Hand them out to your employees and/or customers
– Watch their faces light up as they use their gift

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Who Are The Top 2 People That Use An Architect Scale Ruler?

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

Everyone knows what a ruler or measuring tape is. But when it comes to the Architect Scale Ruler, that is a term that is not in most people’s vocabulary. What is it really? Who actually uses these rulers? 
Architects and engineers are by far the top 2 people that use these handy little tools. Coming in next are construction workers and carpenters.
Architect scale rulers help the user read and create blueprints and are a must-have for anyone working in the above fields. 

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Where Will You Take Your Architect Scale Ruler on Spring Break?

Architect Scale Ruler for Spring Break
Architect Scale Ruler for Spring Break

When you’re packing your bags to leave for a much-needed spring break, what do you bring?

Clothes, swimsuits, shoes, toiletries, books?

Did you ever think you would need to throw in an architect scale ruler too?

Most people probably don’t need one, but for those dedicated architects out there,  you should probably have an extra one on-hand just in case the situation calls for it!

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale