Here Are the Best Ways to Learn About Wild Birds Today

Wild Birds
Wild Birds

Do you have plans on this relaxing Sunday? Maybe you’re going to brunch with friends, running errands, doing laundry? Since today is National Bird Day, maybe you could also squeeze in some bird watching. We are surrounded by approximately 10,000 species of wild birds in the world, so it’s quite amazing that most of us walk right by them without giving much notice.

How can you celebrate National Bird Day today?

  • Go bird watching at a park or conservatory
  • Take a class at local aviary or zoo
  • Learn about a new bird species monthly with a wild bird calendar
  • Add a bird feeder to your yard
Wild Birds Calendar
Wild Birds Calendar

The One Thing Salespeople Are Missing From Their Arsenal

National Salesperson Day
National Salesperson Day

Today is a day meant to recognize and reward all of the nation’s hard-working salespeople. Yes, we mean YOU- the local boutique salesperson, and YOU- the salesperson who travels across the country to promote their product line. Today, on National Salesperson Day, our country thanks the people that make up the nation’s sales force. You all contribute to the growth of our country. But are you still handing out old-fashioned business cards? Today it is better to leave behind a promotional product that won’t end up in the trash can 5 minutes after you leave the customer.

The best “leave-behind” is a small stick-on calendar that lasts 365 days and is viewed every single day by the customer and his friends.

Small Stick-On Calendar
Small Stick-On Calendar


How To Celebrate This Special Week with a Bible Calendar

National Bible Week
National Bible Week

Since 1941, Americans have been celebrating this week in November not just because Thursday is Thanksgiving, but because this week in National Bible Week. This is a week where Christians nationwide celebrate the scripture.
Even if you follow a different faith, you can still respectfully listen to others this week as they celebrate the best-selling book of all time.

How can you or your company celebrate this week?
• Share your favorite verse with your coworkers or family
• Hand out inspirational Bible calendars to customers
• Attend a church service for a denomination different than yours
• Attend a Bible discussion

10 Best Reasons To Give 2020 Promotional Calendars

Calendar Advertising
Calendar Advertising

Since the Julian calendar was introduced in 46 BC, everyone has depended on it. In the 1800’s promotional calendars were introduced. In 1894, up to 3 million promotional advertising calendars were produced in the United States alone.

Here are 10 reasons you and your company should give 2020 promotional calendars to your customers:

  1. 98% of all people look at a calendar every day.
  2. 74% of recipients remember the name of the advertiser on their promo calendar.
  3. 82% of all recipients enjoy receiving a calendar as a free gift.
  4. Calendars can be customized with your own pictures and coupon page.
  5. More than 3 calendars are printed every second in the USA.
  6. 70% of recipients plan to do business with the company that gave them a calendar.
  7. Calendar advertising outperforms other advertising media on these measurements: Target marketing, Clarity of message, Value, Permanence, Competition for attention. These comparisons were made against Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television, Direct Mail. This study was done by Dr. Kenneth Lawyer, retired Marketing Department Chair of Case Western Reserve University.
  8. The average household has 3.12 printed calendars.
  9. Calendars advertising is appreciated more than any other kind of advertising.
  10. The cost per impression is about 4 hundredths of a penny. This is calculated on an average calendar price of $1.50, with 10 impressions per day, for a whole year. (3650 impressions).

Most data courtesy of PPAI (Promotional Products Association International, A Study of Calendar Usage in U.S. Households (2011).


5 Tips For Custom Calendar Printing


Nowadays printing technology has progressed so far that you can have your own business wall calendars with your own pictures. Do you have a product line that you want to display all year on your customer’s wall? Do you have a fleet of tow trucks, boats, taxis, or a group of buildings? You can now use today’s digital cameras or smart phones to capture the images for a wall calendar. Here are 5 tips to help you and a printing company make the best calendar you have ever seen. Custom Calendar Printing is finally here.

  1. Happy Christmas Employees!
    Custom Calendar Printing of Employees

    Furnish hi resolution images. Your beautiful full color pictures will look professional on your wall calendar if they are at least 300 dpi. So for a picture that is 10 inches by 10 inches, you need 3,000 pixels by 3,000 pixels. When you multiply that out, you get 9 million, or 9 megapixels.

  2. Pick the best background for your picture. If you have a fleet of trucks, and want a different truck on each page of your calendar, be wary of the background. Do you want a background with a telephone pole and electric lines, a stop sign, a dog scratching his fleas?
  3. Lighting. The best lighting will give make the colors stand out. Too bright light will make deep shadows. Too dark lighting will look too dark.
  4. Washing and grooming. If you don’t have time to groom and wash, you will be sorry every time you look at your calendar picture.
  5. Balance. A great picture will have the subject in the center, or moving to the center.

Why We Love Custom Calendar Printing (And You Should, Too!)


We love to see our very own pictures on a wall calendar. We just take our own pics with our own digital camera. There’s no need to hire a professional photographer. This is great if you have….

  • A soccer team
  • A fleet of trucks
  • A barn full of race horses
  • Some other prize livestock
  • A hot air balloon club
  • A line of machines that you manufacture
  • A family reunion
  • Pictures of the houses you design or build
  • Sport cars that you collected
  • Motorcycles that you sell
  • Pictures of all the fish you caught last year
  • Pictures of all the deer you bagged

    Custom Calendar using your very own hi res pictures Custom Calendar Printing With Your Own Pictures, 350

Let your imagination go wild when you design a custom calendar printing project. Your team or customers will enjoy the personalized surprise you made for them.


6 Secrets of Custom Calendar Printing


Custom Calendar
Custom Calendar

Custom calendar printing is putting your own pictures on a 12 month calendar. New technology has made this possible at a very low cost. No longer are 4 color plates needed. Modern color printers eliminated them for small quantity print jobs.

Want to advertise your business on a wall calendar? Here are 6 secrets I’ll bet you didn’t know:

  1. 85% of promotional calendar orders repeat.
  2. 70% of calendar recipients intend to do business with the company that gave them the calendar.
  3. 74% of calendar recipients remember the name of the advertiser on their wall calendar.
  4. Each household has an average of 3.12 calendars.
  5. 82% of all recipients love getting a calendar as a gift.
  6. 98% of all people look at a calendar every day of the year.

These statistics were provided by Promotional Products Association International: “A Study of Calendar Usage in US Households” (2011).

Custom Calendar Printing
Custom Calendar Printing