“Pi Day 2025” Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Contest

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

March 14 is “Pi Day”. It’s the perfect day to celebrate the Pipe Diameter Tape Measure. For those who don’t know, a “pi tape” is one that tells you the diameter of a pipe, when you wrap it around the pipe.

Want to win a free Pi Tape? Be the first to answer this question correctly:

What famous scientist was born on Pi Day (March 14), or 3/14?

Who Invented The Diameter Tape Measure?

Diameter Tape Measure for Inventors' Day
Diameter Tape Measure for Inventors’ Day

Today is National Inventors’ Day!
While there is no date recorded for the invention of the Diameter Tape Measure, here are some fun facts about the patent process for the basic tape measure – 

  • 1821: First retractable cloth tape measure patented
  • 1829: First retractable steel tape measure patented
  • 1864-68: Spring return and spring click designs patented
Diameter Tape Measure
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

How Does a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Work

The title implies that the tape does the work, so you don’t have to. This is true. All

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

you have to do is wrap the tape around the pipe circumference. Then the markings on the tape show you the diameter. It does this because the markings are spread out by a factor of pi (3.14159).  So you don’t have to measure the circumference and divide by pi.

The accuracy of a pocket size Pipe Diameter Tape Measure is usually 100th of an inch diameter. That’s a pretty good resolution. They also come in metric units. Their accuracy is in millimeters diameter.

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape (pi Tape)





Can A Diameter Tape Measure Be Used On An Apple?

Diameter Tape Measure for National Apple Day
Diameter Tape Measure for National Apple Day

When thinking of autumn, what fruit would you say is the mascot of the season? Some will automatically say pumpkin, but apple will come up as a close second. Today is National Apple Day!
Looking for a fun game to play at your Halloween party? Try “Guess the Diameter of the Apple!” Players will record their guesses, and the judge will pull out his/her Diameter Tape Measure to discover whose guess is the closest.

Happy Halloween!

Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Here’s The Pipe Diameter Tape Measure You Needed All Month

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for August

It’s true that not everyone needs a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure these days. The average person usually doesn’t have a need to measure a pipe, pole, or tree. But, if you’re one of the special few who needs one of these unique tape measures, then these are the ones you need to add to your belt!

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Lufkin Tape Measure: The Tool For August

Lufkin Tape Measure for August
Lufkin Tape Measure for August

What key item is missing from this list of must-have tools? 
– Hammer
– Flathead screwdriver
– Power drill
– Wrench
– Pliers

If you’re thinking a Lufkin Tape Measure, then you’re right! How could you get through any project without this tool? 

Lufkin Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Comparison of Brands

The 2 popular brands of Pipe Diameter Tape Measures are:

Lufkin w906pd

W906PD Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches




Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Pi-Cobra
Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape Measure

Pi-Cobra T-217-6654

The similarities are:

  • Strong metal case
  • Pocket sized
  • Diameter in 100ths of an inch on one side, and linear inches on the other side
  • About the same price
  • Yellow metal tape insert
  • Your imprint can be in full color (cmyk)

The differences are:

  • Maximum diameter of the Lufkin in 23 inches. Maximum diameter of the Pi-Cobra is 38″.
  • Lufkin is made in Mexico and China. Pi-Cobra is made in China.
  • Luflin can be imprinted on the front only. The back is polished chrome. Pi-Cobra can be imprinted on both the front and back.


Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

You Won’t Believe What You Can Use This Diameter Tape Measure For

Diameter Tape Measure for the Holidays
Diameter Tape Measure for the Holidays

A Diameter Tape Measure is typically used to measure boring ol’ pipes. But did you know that you can really use it to measure anything cylindrical? Here are some fun holiday items to measure to spice up your holiday break:

Bûche de Noël
Bûche de Noël (Yule Log Cake)
Cylindrical Gingerbread House
Cylindrical Gingerbread House
Rolls of Festive Wrapping Paper
Rolls of Festive Wrapping Paper
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches

How Many Things Can You Measure With A Pipe Diameter Tape Measure?

Be Thankful for Pipe Diameter Tape Measures
Be Thankful for Pipe Diameter Tape Measures

This Thanksgiving, as you’re looking around the dinner table, start a new festive game with your friends and family called: “How many things on this table can I measure with a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure?”
🦃 Candlesticks 
🦃 Wine bottles
🦃 The table legs!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

This Diameter Tape Measure Will Make You Feel Like A Pro

How To Use Diameter Tape Measures
How To Use Diameter Tape Measures

While most people have used a basic tape measure at least once in their lives, not many of us have come across a situation where we’d need to use a diameter tape measure.
“How do I go about even using this bizarre tape measure?” you ask yourself.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to feel inadequate – all you have to do is just watch this quick video tutorial. It’ll have you feeling like a pro in no time!

W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches
W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape, Inches