Have you ever seen pictures of the extravagant Mardi Gras parades and wondered what exactly it is that they are celebrating? Is it just an excuse to have a wild parade and to party all day? Not at all- there is actually quite a bit of history behind this fanciful day:
Dating back to perhaps the 1st century BC, Christian countries have been celebrating Mardi Gras
Other names for this day: Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday (the English translation of Mardi Gras)
It is the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent
Celebrated as the last day of indulgence before the fasting season of Lent begins
How can you indulge your employees and customers today? Any of these engraved flashlights will do the trick:
AA Mini Maglite & Buck Nobleman Knife Gift SetAA Mini Maglite & Leatherman Rebar Gift Set
It comes as no surprise that the most successful companies are those with the best customer service. How can you improve the efficiency, quality, and reliability of yours this week? After all, it is National Customer Service Week.
First, you need to define how you can transform your customer service from just “meh” to “ah-may-zing!”.
Always answer the phone
Listen to your employees; happy employees will lead to better service
Take constructive criticism- complaints can become opportunities
Hire & train employees properly
The next question, once you’ve attracted your customers, is how can you keep them coming back? What incentives or gifts with your logo can you give them?
Create a Customer Loyalty Reward Program- give different gifts with your logo when a customer reaches a new level
This year during National Customer Service Week, give a useful, enjoyable, and thoughtful gift with your logo to your customers. It will brighten up their day and keep them coming back.
Promotional advertising items have been used for about a century. Company owners use them to cordially spread their advertising message to their customers and to the general public. Promotional advertising items are the pens, calendars, flashlights and coffee mugs that are around us all the time. They are the only form of advertising that is truly “appreciated”. When most other forms of advertising may be considered intrusive and annoying, promo products are welcomed by all recipients. Promotional pens and calendars could be called “trojan ponies” by advertising companies. Little by little, they carry your advertising message and logo to the people who may become your customers.
Why does your boss want you to order them? Let’s face it, he’s busy running the company. He trusts that you can pick the details, the imprint color, and the size of the product. You can rely on the help from promotional product distributors to accomplish this fun job. When the order is done, your boss and sales force can pass them out at the next trade show. And they have you to thank for making the ordering process a success.
Some of the most popular items are MagLites®, BIC pens, Lufkin tapes, wall calendars, Thermos water bottles, Leatherman tools, and pocket knives.
Turn your employee frowns into smiles of appreciation. Everyone likes to be
Turn a frown into a smile
thanked for a job well-done. And thanking them with a gift is a winning combination. One of the most popular corporate gifts is a personalized pocket knife or multi-tool. Knives and tools are:
A way of displaying your corporate logo
Need a reason for giving? In a corporate environment, here are the 2 best ways to establish an employee gift program:
Safety Award Program. You can distribute the gifts one at a time, after an employee has worked 5 years without an accident, for example. Or, you can celebrate when the whole workforce goes without an accident after so many months. Have a picnic or party, and distribute the personalized pocket knife to each employee personally.
Service Award Program. When certain milestones occur in a worker’s career, present them with the knife or tool award.
The main idea is appreciation award, and the main result is a big smile. Would you spend $20 on an employee to get that kind of effect?
Personalizing pocket knives is an art, because it’s not the same as using a color office printer and printing on a piece of white paper. Knives present a unique set of obstacles such as:
Color of the material
Type of material (wood, metal, bone, synthetic)
Irregular surface contour
Required durability of the imprint
These problems are not usually a direct concern of the customer unless his company logo has a lot of detail or requires a color imprint. Each logo imprinting request is handled one at a time. When our art department receives your logo, the artist looks at these questions:
Does the logo contain too much detail
Does the imprint contain text smaller than 6 point
Are the lines in the imprint thinner than 1 point
Is a color imprint required
These problems can be solved by our art department or yours. A complex logo can be simplified to eliminate the detail problem. Small text can either be eliminated or re-arranged somehow. Thin lines can be broadened. A black and white version can be made of your logo if needed.
Most pocket knives are laser engraved on the metal blade, metal handle, metal bolster, or the wooden handle. Laser engraving doesn’t offer color. However, laser engraving on stainless steel looks black or dark. Laser engraving on anodized aluminum handles looks white. And if doing this same method on a blackened metal blade or handle will look white.
Some knives can be pad printed on a handle in color, or screen printed on a metal surface.
Color added to laser engraving: Gold, white, silver, black, red, yellow, blue, or green.
Another imprinting option is Electro-etching, which looks dark on a stainless steel blade. This method of making personalized pocket knives is considered semi-permanent. It doesn’t go as deep into the metal as machine engraving and laser engraving. This leads to a final method of imprinting knives, which is machine engraving. This is like using the engraving machine that jewelers have to engrave your initials on a pendant. It is good for lettering only. It is permanent.
Most promotional items have their share of printing problems, but Pocketknives have a unique set of hurdles for the imprinter. That’s where Advantage-Advertising.com and Logo-Knives.com can use their experience to make your folding knife a cherished gift with your corporate logo.