Today is, quite literally, a day to give back. We shouldn’t need a national holiday to remind us to show appreciation and gratitude- it should be a year-round thing, right?
Nonetheless, today is the National Day of Giving, aka #GivingTuesday. It is a day to give your time, items, or money to charities throughout the world.
With a rise in COVID-19 cases across the nation, we are all yearning for something to do (other than being cooped up in our houses!). Today is as good a day as ever to just go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature- and take your mind off the horrors of 2020.
Here are our must-have items to celebrate Take A Hike Day:
It’s already the second week of November, so you better get cracking on shopping for your Christmas lists. Who do you need to shop for? Friends, family, employees, top customers? Here are our Top Picks for November 2020 that will definitely please anyone on your list (surprise, they’re none other than promotional Maglights!):
M3A Maglite FlashlightK3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- PinkAA Mini Maglite & Buck Nobleman Knife Gift SetMini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED
What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done? For a lot of us, that might be something as minute as killing that large spider in the corner of your bathroom. Or maybe you are a brave woman who has gone through childbirth (or you are the brave husband who stood beside her). Bravery has many faces. For a very special group of Americans, the bravest thing they’ve done is protect and defend our country in times of war.
Today is Veterans Day, a very special day in which Americans celebrate and honor all military veterans. The holiday originated as Armistice Day in 1919, as it honored the ending of WWI on the 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month in 1918. But in 1954, after the end of WWII, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in order to honor American veterans of all wars, not just those who fought in WWI.
What better way to celebrate and thank our veterans than with an American flag mini Maglite flashlights. Handing them out at your company or town’s Veterans Day celebration will brighten up everyone’s day.
Maglite Flashlights to Help with Daylight Savings Time Ending
This week they claim that we are gaining an hour of daylight, but I’m not too sure about that. I mean, the sun starts setting around 4:00pm!
The must-have items that your employees and customers would appreciate this time of year are Maglite flashlights. If they’re heading to their car in the dark at 5:00pm, they’ll need some help to find their way there!
Mini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED2AA LED Mini Maglite
This time of year nature is overflowing with a rainbow of colors. Today, on National Color Day, let’s celebrate what nature has to offer with promotional Maglites in the full spectrum:
On average, I would say most occupations do not require you to risk your life on a daily basis, am I right? This week is Emergency Nurse’s Week, and those people most definitely deserve some recognition in this year to top all years.
Nurses risk their lives daily to help those around them. How can we recognize their hard work?
Our country would not have the food and supplies it needs without our loyal and hard-working agriculture community. America’s farmers get their own special day today, on National Farmer’s Day.
How can we recognize our wonderful farmers?
Buy local products
Have your company send local farmers Maglite flashlights engraved with the name of their farm
One of the biggest advancements in lighting technology our generation has seen is the development of LEDs. Light-emitting-diodes have a long list of benefits in comparison to their predecessor, the incandescent bulb.
Produce light 90% more efficiently than incandescent bulbs
LED Maglite flashlights, which are designed, engineered, and produced in California, are leaders in LED flashlight manufacturing. From their mini versions, to their larger models, there is an LED Maglite flashlight for everyone. What better way to celebrate National LED Light Day than to find your favorite one!
There doesn’t need to be a national holiday to remind us all that buying products made in the USA is one of the best ways to support our country. There are so many benefits, including but not limited to:
Increased jobs for Americans
Up-close quality control
Less middlemen
Less transportation & fuel costs
So today, on National Manufacturing Day, don’t forget to support our local companies and workers and buy products made in the USA.