A flashlight is just a flashlight, right? Which means it should be a one-and-done tool, no need for more? Wrong! There is always room for multiple Maglite Flashlights, and here is why –

A flashlight is just a flashlight, right? Which means it should be a one-and-done tool, no need for more? Wrong! There is always room for multiple Maglite Flashlights, and here is why –
Promotional Maglights (Promotional Maglites) may help you out this Black Friday, if you find yourself waiting in line before the sun rises. They are always:
Good luck fighting the crowd for your best deals. Be safe.
Ten days until Halloween! Do you have your costume ready, or are you a last-minute planner?
Be prepared before you head out to go trick-or-treating with these items:
Some people may wonder, as they pull out their Maglite Flashlights, are these amazing little tools fooling my eyes . . . or are they real? For such a small flashlight, they pack quite an intense brightness that can be mistaken for a magic trick.
Their brightness is not the only trick they have up their sleeve – see what else they can do!
– 2 Power Modes: Peak Power Mode & 25% Power Mode for low-lighting
– Blink Mode
– Makes SOS signals
You knew the end of summer was fast-approaching, but this weekend makes it real – it’s Labor Day weekend. Soak up the sun and relax on this final “official” weekend of summer before you need to start eating and drinking all things pumpkin.
Of course, Promotional Maglites are a must-have for this weekend, especially if you’re out late and need to find your way back to your car, or even if you need one “just in case.”
Just image that you’ve packed your bag, tent, and camping gear, and are heading to a beautifully secluded campsite. Today is Global Sleep Under The Stars Night, the most perfect day to enjoy a night outdoors.
Promotional Maglights are another must-have item to pack in your bag – they can help you read a book before you go to sleep, wander through the woods, or provide much-needed light to set up your tent.
July is National Hot Dog Month.
If you intend to have a night barbecue, you might need Maglite Flashlights
to light up the festivities. Everyone likes to see what they are eating. Maglites make it easy.
<a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-ai-image/people-enjoying-mexican-barbecue_94956485.htm#query=bbq%20night&position=18&from_view=keyword&track=ais_user&uuid=03b24f43-3b38-4269-8c3f-bfa3fbd7a49c”>Image by freepik</a>
If you have customers or employees, you need Promotional Maglites.
When you give these to your customers, they will keep them (with your logo) for many years. These gifts are appreciated and useful. Can you say that about any other kind of advertising, like newspapers, tv ads, and google ads?
Your employees are another target group for this kind of gift. Maglites will show them that you care enough to give a quality business gift. They give your employees a better sense of belonging to the “team”.
77% of the recipients of business gifts said that a product’s usefulness is the main reason that they kept it.
85% of the same group remember who gave them this special gift.
(From a study by Amsterdam Promo Products).
If a customer or employee keeps your Maglite 10 years, your cost for that advertising is about one cent per day!
Promotional Maglights can be used by anyone who has 2 hands, because it takes
2 hands to turn one on. So, unfortunately, a few people can’t enjoy the high quality of this American-Made flashlight. Even people who misspell the word Maglites, like I did in the title, can use this amazing aluminum frame flashlight. Ever since 1979, Anthony Maglica has been making these torches in Ontario California. Now his factory has grown to one million square feet (as of 2017).
As we wrap up the month of March (hopefully it goes out like a lamb this year!), it’s time to show our appreciation for the Red Cross. Their continuous support, both domestically and internationally, for those in need, is unmatched.
Let’s celebrate the Red Cross this month with Maglite Flashlights – a necessary tool in their bag!