We have just begun our last week in March- are you ready to welcome April? Next month we will celebrate Easter and really start to enjoy springtime weather.
Which of these Promotional Maglights (the correct spelling is actually Maglites) will get your employees excited to start a new month? If you engrave them with “Best Employee Spring 2023,” they’ll definitely be a bit more motivated this month.
Category: Flashlights With Your Logo
These Are The Maglite Flashlights That Will Make You Feel Like You’ve Struck Gold
St. Patrick’s Day has a long history, with this feast day originating in the early 17th century. How are you going to celebrate today?
♣ Wear green (even the smallest piece counts!)
♣ Attend a parade or local celebration
♣ Cook a delicious Irish meal
♣ Grab your lucky charm: Maglite flashlights
If You Were Stuck On A Deserted Island, Which Engraved Flashlights Would You Take?
It’s the million dollar question that has been around for decades:
“If you were stuck on a deserted island who/what would you bring with you?”
Top answers are usually:
– Best friend/spouse
– Plenty of water
– Satellite phone
– First aid kit
But, do not forget how important engraved flashlights could be for your survival. Here are some great options to pack:
A Maglite Engraved For International Women’s Day Is A Gamechanger
Today is a day being celebrated not only in the United States, but worldwide- it’s International Women’s Day. Let’s raise a toast to women today: for their strength, endurance, and ability to do anything they put their minds to.
While we’re at it, let’s also raise a Maglite engraved to symbolize the light they shine in our lives.
3 Promotional Maglites To Finish Up Your February
We are in the final days of the shortest month of the year, but have you given any thought to how to say goodbye to February 2023? Here are a few ideas:
– Start a new tradition with a “So Long, February” happy hour
– Have some Promotional Maglites engraved with “Best February Ever” and hand them out to your employees and/or customers.
Your Act Of Kindness Today Should Involve Promotional Maglights
Everyday is a good day to be kind and pay it forward, but today especially so. Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day- a day dedicated to being especially thoughtful and kind to others. What will your random act of kindness be today?
– Buy coffee for the person behind you in line
– Give a stranger a compliment
– Hand out Promotional Maglights with your company logo
T-Minus 7 Days Until You Can Give Your Valentine These Maglite Flashlights
The countdown is on: 1 week until Valentine’s Day 2023. Are you still thinking about what to give your Valentine this year? Don’t go the easy route by getting chocolates, flowers, and other predictable gifts. Maglite Flashlights are the way to go this year. Choose your favorite color and size, then tie it up with a bow!
Engraved Flashlights Will Keep Your Mail Delivery On Schedule
Lately there have been countless winter storms that have delayed mail and package delivery services, no matter which part of the country you live. While we can’t control Mother Nature, we can contribute to making our mail and package carriers a little happier as they battle these delays.
Today, on National Thank A Mail Carrier Day, engraved flashlights should be at the top of your list of gifts to give to these hard-working people. Here are just a few ideas to get you going:
A Maglite Engraved Will Make Work A Bit More Fun Today
Most workdays are pretty ho-hum. Wake up, make your coffee, settle into your desk, check your emails, eat lunch, mix in a few meetings, and then repeat the following day.
But today is Friday and National Have Fun At Work Day- so spice it up! Go and have a fun lunch, start happy hour a little earlier than usual, and hand out a Maglite engraved to each of your coworkers. This will be the best Friday you’ve had in a long time!
How To Use a Thesaurus With Your Promotional Maglites
Can you guess whose birthday it is today? I bet you can’t guess who it is- he is not on most people’s radar.
Peter Mark Roget, the author of Roget’s Thesaurus was born on this day in 1779. The handy thesaurus provides writers with lists of synonyms.
What do you think the top synonyms for Promotional Maglites are?
– Promotional Maglights
– Promotional flashlights
– Searchlights
No matter how you say it, Promotional Maglites are a perfect illuminator for your pocket.