A Little-Known Fact About The Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for National Cheese Lover's Day
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for National Cheese Lover’s Day

Sure, a pipe diameter tape measure is typically used to (surprise!) measure the diameter of a pipe. But did you know that it can also be used to measure the diameter of many other things?

  • Trees
  • Poles
  • Wheels of cheese (Well, today is National Cheese Lover’s Day, so why not?!)
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

If You Clean Off Your Desk Today, Don’t Throw Away Your Lufkin Tape Measure

Lufkin Tape Measure for Clean Off Your Desk Day
Lufkin Tape Measure for Clean Off Your Desk Day

It’s the start of a new year, which means it’s time to clean out your house (and your life), and get rid of things that aren’t necessary. Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day, so it’s the perfect day to kick-start your cleaning.
Here are some good tips for saying good-bye to items that don’t serve a purpose in your life:
– Start small (just do your desk today, then move onto your closets, garage, etc.)
– Divide items into 3 categories: keep; donate; throw away
– Rule of thumb: If you didn’t use it last year, odds are you won’t use it this year either
– Please make sure you don’t throw away your Lufkin tape measure– that comes in handy everyday!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD (Inches)

Who Are The Top 2 People That Use An Architect Scale Ruler?

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

Everyone knows what a ruler or measuring tape is. But when it comes to the Architect Scale Ruler, that is a term that is not in most people’s vocabulary. What is it really? Who actually uses these rulers? 
Architects and engineers are by far the top 2 people that use these handy little tools. Coming in next are construction workers and carpenters.
Architect scale rulers help the user read and create blueprints and are a must-have for anyone working in the above fields. 

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

Never Have I Ever… Re-Gifted This Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tape Measure for Re-Gifting Day
Diameter Tape Measure for Re-Gifting Day

With only 4 days left until Christmas, I am sure many of you have been to countless holiday parties with coworkers and friends. Did any of these parties include a White Elephant gift exchange? 
If you’re anything like me, these gift exchanges make me uncomfortable. No one is shopping for anyone in particular, so none of the gifts are personal. Odds are, you have received a few gifts from these parties that you would rather, well… re-gift. 
Today is National Re-Gifting Day, a perfect time to re-wrap those less-than-desired gifts you’ve received this month, and give them to someone who will really appreciate them. 
But the one gift you’ve received that I know you won’t re-gift is the tried-and-true diameter tape measure. It’s too good to give away! 

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD (Inches)

Use Only The Best Tally Books To Write Your Christmas Lists This Year

Tally Books for Safe Toys & Gifts Month
Tally Books for Safe Toys & Gifts Month

When you pull out your tally books this week to check off items on your holiday gift lists, I doubt the question “is this a safe gift?” comes to mind very often. December is Safe Toys & Gifts Month, so ponder these questions before you purchase your gifts:
-is this age-appropriate for the child?
-does it look well-made; will any parts fall off?
-are there any sharp parts? 

Happy holidays!

Flexible Tally Book with Sewn Pad
Flexible Tally Book with Sewn Pad