These Promotional Maglites Are On Our Radar (And Should Be On Yours Too)

Promotional Maglites to order for June
Promotional Maglites to order for June

For many people, their default place to go if they need a pocket flashlight is the grocery store or a home improvement store. Perhaps you should step it up a notch for the month of June and upgrade your flashlight arsenal by ordering Promotional Maglites
– Which color will you pick?
– Would you choose LED or incandescent? 
– What will you have laser-engraved on them? 

2AALED Mini MagLite® LED Flashlight
2AALED Mini MagLite® LED Flashlight
2D LED Maglite
2D LED Maglite
K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Pink
K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Pink

Enter Long Weekend Mode With A Lufkin Tape Measure

Lufkin Tape Measure for summer
Lufkin Tape Measure for summer

Most people see the official “beginning of summer” as Memorial Day weekend. Schools are finishing up, the weather is (finally) getting warmer, and pools are opening! Do you know another sign that it’s summer? Pulling out your Lufkin Tape Measure. Okay, that probably doesn’t quite connect in most people’s heads. Tape measures = Summer? It’s okay – not everything has to make sense! But it’s undeniable that a Lufkin Tape Measure will be a great thing to have handy for your summer projects. 

W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape
W606PM Lufkin Diameter Tape

You Should Really Only Use This Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

It should come as no surprise that not all rulers are created equal. They come in plastic, wood, or metal; measuring in metric or imperial. Some tape measures can measure the diameter of a cylinder, while others (namely the architect scale ruler) can accurately measure and convert scaled drawings. 

Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architect Scale Ruler
Architect Scale Ruler

Engraved Flashlights Aren’t For the Faint of Heart

Engraved Flashlights Will Make You Happy
Engraved Flashlights Will Make You Happy

If you know anything about flashlights, you’ll know that one with a long-lasting battery and light are the only ones you will ever need. Engraved flashlights are a trustworthy accessory that not everyone has in their pocket, but trust us, you’ll be happy to have one in an emergency. Which one below will you snag for yourself (and your customers, if they’re lucky!)

K3A MagLite® Solitaire Flashlight
K3A MagLite® Solitaire Flashlight
Mini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED
Mini Maglite Flashlight M3ALED

Your Plumber Will Be Forever Grateful For This Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tape Measure for National Hug a Plumber Day
Diameter Tape Measure for National Hug a Plumber Day

Today is a holiday that you will never have guessed in a million years: it’s National Hug a Plumber Day. Another thing you won’t have guessed is what the perfect gift is for these hard workers: a Diameter Tape Measure. This tool will help them (surprise!) measure the diameter of their pipes.
Trust us, they’ll thank you!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD

A Maglite Engraved Will Impress Even Your Toughest Critics

Impress with a Maglite Engraved
Impress with a Maglite Engraved

If you’re looking for a gift to impress your customers (or even your competitors), look no further than a Maglite engraved with your logo.
Want an LED version? No problem.

2AA LED Mini Maglite
2AA LED Mini Maglite


Looking for a pocket-sized style?   ↓ Here’s one! ↓

K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Blue
K3A Maglite Solitaire Flashlight- Blue

April Showers Bring . . . Tally Books?

Tally Books for April
Tally Books for April

Easter has come and gone, and we are well into the beautiful spring season. Do you know the famous saying “April showers bring May flowers”? Well, little did you know, that April showers also bring . . . Tally Books! These small but mighty notebooks come in a variety of shapes, colors, and bindings. Happy Spring!

Tally Book Junior
Tally Book Junior
Flexible Tally Book 3308
Flexible Tally Book 3308

You’ll Wish The Easter Bunny Brought This Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for Easter
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure for Easter

In 4 short days kids around the country will be knee-deep in their Easter egg hunts, hoping and praying that their favorite candies are inside each egg. Adults, however, get the short end of the stick during this holiday, as Easter baskets are usually just for the kiddos. But maybe you’ll get lucky this year and you’ll find a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure hidden amongst the jellybean-filled eggs!

Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD
Lufkin Pipe Diameter Tape Measure W606PD