The Best Candle Lighter For Every Season

Dancing Candles
Dancing Candles

Today is both Christmas Eve and the third day of Hanukkah, a day of anticipation for everyone of the Christian and Jewish faiths. What do you think your customers will be doing tonight? Going to a special candlelit church service? Hosting friends and family for dinner at their home? Wherever they will be, they would appreciate having a reliable electric candle lighter with them. It will help them quickly light the candles at church while singing “Silent Night”, and when they get home it will help light their centerpiece candles on their dinner table, or the candles of the menorah. Make sure to have this candle lighter laser engraved with your company logo so that your customer thinks of you all year long- whether it’s this winter while lighting holiday candles, or in the summertime while lighting their grill.

Electric Candle Lighter
Electric Candle Lighter

The Kid in You Really Wants These Technology Gifts

Safe Toys & Gifts Month
Safe Toys & Gifts Month

This time of year parents and relatives are on the hunt for the *perfect* gifts for the children in their lives. They’ll consult blogs, magazines, and friends at school to figure out what gift will create the biggest smile on those kids’ faces. Is it that hot new talking robot? Or a new video game? Or perhaps you have a crafty kid who loves to do art projects. No matter the gift, you always have to make sure that it is appropriate for the child’s age and developmental level.

Some other things to consider when buying for children:

  • Is it durable?
  • Is it lead-free?
  • Is it non-toxic?
  • Is it a choking hazard?

America has the toughest toy-making standards in the world, so it’s not hard to find safe American-made toys. But remember that many toys are made outside the US.

Another thing to remember is to read online ratings and comments about the product before buying it.

After you’ve chosen the right toys for the children in your life, treat your adult customers to these technology gifts. They’ll be as excited as a kid opening that thoughtful gift from you.

Happy Holidays!

Pay It Forward This Winter with Corporate Apparel

National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

These next few months are the coldest time of year throughout the northern hemisphere. If you are one of the lucky ones to have a warm home to return to every evening, count your blessings. Too many homeless people die every year because they don’t have the necessary shelter, food, and resources to survive.
You and your company can bring awareness to this issue by attending a candlelight vigil to remember those homeless in your community who have passed away this year. Have hats or other corporate apparel embroidered with #HomelessPersonsRemembranceDay for the whole company. And better yet, order some extras and pass them out at your local homeless shelter to help out future generations.

Why You Can’t Get A Maglite Engraved In Color

Promotional Maglite Engraved Flashlights
Promotional Maglite Engraved Flashlights

Most metal and smooth wood and synthetic material can be laser engraved. And some smooth wood and synthetic material can then be color-filled with a paint-like product. But when it comes to putting a color-fill on metal, you’re dreaming in the last century. It was possible to laser engrave and color fill metal at that time, but everyone quit doing it because of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Zippo was a leading company that used that process of color imprinting. It was a good way of imprinting, because the color couldn’t scratch off. It was in the debossed part of the design.

So, back to 2019, you can’t get a metal object like a Maglite engraved and color-filled. But that’s not a big problem, since most Maglites are made of anodized aluminum. The color of the aluminum shows through the laser engraving once the laser removes the surface layer of color. The Maglite then shows your logo as being whitish. Even if you order a gray colored Maglite, the engraving isn’t very noticeable, but the look is fashionable.

Another way of getting MagLites® with your Full Color Imprint  is “full-color surface printing”. This technique was just developed in the last 10 years. Every printing company has its own name for this process. “Color Rich”, “Spectra Color”, and “ColorVast” are some of the trade names.

Maglite Flashlights With Full Color Imprint
Maglite Flashlights With Full Color Imprint


The One Thing Salespeople Are Missing From Their Arsenal

National Salesperson Day
National Salesperson Day

Today is a day meant to recognize and reward all of the nation’s hard-working salespeople. Yes, we mean YOU- the local boutique salesperson, and YOU- the salesperson who travels across the country to promote their product line. Today, on National Salesperson Day, our country thanks the people that make up the nation’s sales force. You all contribute to the growth of our country. But are you still handing out old-fashioned business cards? Today it is better to leave behind a promotional product that won’t end up in the trash can 5 minutes after you leave the customer.

The best “leave-behind” is a small stick-on calendar that lasts 365 days and is viewed every single day by the customer and his friends.

Small Stick-On Calendar
Small Stick-On Calendar


The Tech Items CS Lovers Will Obsess Over

Computer Science Education Week
Computer Science Education Week

This week, as you’re zoned out on your computer, tablet, or phone keep in mind the complicated science that brought you those devices and programs. This week is Computer Science Education Week!

Teachers and companies nationwide are hosting coding events and encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to try any “Hour of Code” lesson.  You can go to for tutorials that span all levels and work on a range of different devices.

How else can you encourage CS knowledge at your workplace?

  • Have a friendly office competition to see who can complete an coding tutorial first. Winner gets one of these great technology gifts!
  • Hand out and watch everyone fight over custom goodie bags with these technology gifts with your company logo
  • Have your company’s tech guy host an “Hour of Code” event at your office

Shine a Light On Your Loved One’s Memory with a Candle Lighter

Worldwide Candle Lighting Day
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day

On the second Sunday in December candles worldwide are lit at 7pm to commemorate and honor the memory of a child who has passed. The Compassionate Friends organization established Worldwide Candle Lighting Day in 1997 for family and friends to remember their sweet little ones who left the world too soon.

There are many ways in which to participate in this worldwide holiday:

  • Attend your local candle lighting service at 7:00pm local time & help light everyone’s candles with your electric candle lighter
  • Find a local chapter of Compassionate Friends to support
  • Preserve memory of child by engraving their name on an electric candle lighter
Electric Candle Lighter
Electric Candle Lighter

Why Are Maglite Flashlights The Best Christmas Presents?

Maglite Flashlights for Christmas
Maglite Flashlights for Christmas

Be the best Santa this year, and give the best Christmas present to all your employees! Why choose to put your company logo on Maglite Flashlights? Here are the key answers:

  • They are perfectly suitable for any age, and either sex.
  • Maglites last forever, even though the warranty says 10 years.
  • If the Maglite® is still around, so is your logo, which is permanently laser engraved on the barrel.
  • They are extremely useful gifts.
  • Your employees recognize the quality of a Maglite flashlight.
  • They are made in the USA.
  • A Maglite® gift will make you a super Santa, and a super hero!

Why Your Customers Need An Architect Scale Ruler

If you see any of your customers on this list, they need an architect scale ruler.

Not only do they need one, but they will be eternally grateful that you are generous enough to recognize their needs.

  • Architects

    Architect Using an Architect Scale Ruler
    Architect Using an Architect Scale Ruler
  • City Planners
  • Builders
  • Kitchen Designers
  • Carpenters
  • Contractors
  • Construction Estimators
  • Real Estate Developers
  • Draftsmen
  • Homeowners designing their own kitchen
  • Concrete Contractors
  • Electricians
  • HVAC Contractors
  • Structural Engineers
  • Civil Engineers