What If You Lose Your Tally Books?

When oilfield workers record data while they are drilling, they need to enter it in

 Today's Oilfield Workers and Their Tally Books
Today’s Oilfield Workers and Their Tally Books

a safe place. They write it in a pipe tally book. What if they lose their tally books?

  • The workers would lose the number of feet of pipe they have put in the ground.
  • They would lose the number of pipe sections they used.
  • They would not be able to recall the times that they hooked up each section of pipe.
  • They would not be able to report on the amount of fluids that were used in the operation.

What a disaster! Prevent this catastrophe by purchasing oilfield pipe tally books that are:

  1. Bright in color, so you can’t misplace them.
  2. Water resistant, with a vinyl cover.
  3. Made of that new waterproof “paper” called “stone paper”. Not only is it waterproof, it is tear-resistant.
  4. Small enough to fit in the oilfield or gas field worker’s pocket.
  5. Made with an integral pen loop, so there’s always a pen with the book.
  6. Identified with your company logo and phone number on the front cover.

How To Choose The Right Tally Books For Your Workforce

Pipe Tally Books for Gas and Oil Workers
Pipe Tally Books for Gas and Oilfield Workers

Gas and oilfield workers are the most prominent users of pipe tally books. They need to write in them every time they add another pipe to the drilling rig. These hard working people keep track of pressure readings and inventory in their critical jobs 24 hours a day. How do you choose which tally books you buy for them?

The books should be:

  • Durable (vinyl is great for this purpose)
  • Weather resistant
  • Small enough to fit in a pocket
  • Colorful enough so they won’t get lost in a pile of stuff
  • The right color to show off your corporate logo on the front vinyl cover
  • Able to hold a removable water-resistant “stone” paper pad, which is “un-rippable”
  • Designed with an integral pen loop

When you equip your men with the right products, they can focus on their work.


3400.jpg Pipe Tally Books 3400 (Top Seller)


Here Are the Best Ways to Learn About Wild Birds Today

Wild Birds
Wild Birds

Do you have plans on this relaxing Sunday? Maybe you’re going to brunch with friends, running errands, doing laundry? Since today is National Bird Day, maybe you could also squeeze in some bird watching. We are surrounded by approximately 10,000 species of wild birds in the world, so it’s quite amazing that most of us walk right by them without giving much notice.

How can you celebrate National Bird Day today?

  • Go bird watching at a park or conservatory
  • Take a class at local aviary or zoo
  • Learn about a new bird species monthly with a wild bird calendar
  • Add a bird feeder to your yard
Wild Birds Calendar
Wild Birds Calendar

The Only Corkscrew You Need to Ring in the New Year

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Have you been perusing Pinterest over the weekend, looking for the perfect cocktail recipes to make for your family, friends, and coworkers tonight? Or will you stick with something simple and easy like champagne or wine? Either way, don’t be an innocent bystander as you watch someone fumble with a low-quality corkscrew at the party tonight. Make it easy for everyone to ring in the new year by bringing your favorite corkscrew.

Happy New Year!

Rabbit Corkscrew
Rabbit Corkscrew

How American-Made Cutlery Can Keep Us Safe in 2020

Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

We’ve finally come to the end of 2019, can you believe it? While many of us are probably still eating Christmas leftovers, others are eager to prepare new meals to ring in the New Year. Want to make sure you and your loved ones don’t catch a foodborne illness in the New Year? In the spirit of Worldwide Food Service Safety Month, here are the top things to focus on while preparing food:

  • keep prep surfaces clean
  • clean your American-Made Cutlery before using them again
  • keep raw and cooked meat separate
  • cool meats and fish to proper temperature
  • wash fruits and veggies
  • wash your hands!

Here are a few of our favorite American-Made Cutlery gift sets to add to your kitchen!

Serrated Steak Knives Gift Set
Serrated Steak Knives Gift Set
Cook's Choice Gift Set
Cook’s Choice Gift Set
Cooking Essentials Gift Set
Cooking Essentials Gift Set

Have Your Pie And Eat It Too With This Serving Set

National Pumpkin Pie Day
National Pumpkin Pie Day

What is your favorite pie of all-time? Is it as simple as apple or cherry? What about a summery peach or key lime pie? Some people even like a fancy pear frangipane tart (is a tart still considered a pie?)  But today, National Pumpkin Pie Day, is the one day that honors the all-American pumpkin pie.

No matter your palate preference, even people on the most restricted diets can find a good ol’ pie that they enjoy- there are sugar & flour substitutes galore! Just go to your local bakery, or if you’re feeling bold, go online and find a recipe to try at home that suits your guidelines.

Homemade or store-bought, it doesn’t matter- a pie still needs to be cut and served, and you can do it in a breeze with this American-made serving set. Going to a dinner party at a customer’s home this week? A serving set would be the perfect gift and would help remind your customer of you every time they use it to serve their favorite dessert.

Happy eating!

American Made Cutlery Serving Gift Set
American Made Cutlery Serving Gift Set