March 14 is “Pi Day”. It’s the perfect day to celebrate the Pipe Diameter Tape Measure. For those who don’t know, a “pi tape” is one that tells you the diameter of a pipe, when you wrap it around the pipe.
Want to win a free Pi Tape? Be the first to answer this question correctly:
What famous scientist was born on Pi Day (March 14), or 3/14?
Tally Books have been around for a long time. They are pocket-sized blank
Oilfield Workers Use Tally Books
notebooks used for recording data in the field. Oilfield workers are frequent users of such books. Every time you add a section of pipe, or make a change in the settings of the drilling rig, you would want to record that right now. Tally books are designed to be pocket size, durable, and water resistant. Even the new “stone pad” looks like paper, but it is resistant to water and physical attempts to tear the pages.
How to Build a Better Pipe Tally Book
Why not use an electronic method of recording these bits of data? That would require a reliable power source, unbreakable device, and one that is not able to malfunction. Then, it is smart to stay with an old fashioned notebook.
Custom tally books are available, too. Your company logo, phone number, and even tables, can be imprinted on the cover.
The title implies that the tape does the work, so you don’t have to. This is true. All
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
you have to do is wrap the tape around the pipe circumference. Then the markings on the tape show you the diameter. It does this because the markings are spread out by a factor of pi (3.14159). So you don’t have to measure the circumference and divide by pi.
The accuracy of a pocket size Pipe Diameter Tape Measure is usually 100th of an inch diameter. That’s a pretty good resolution. They also come in metric units. Their accuracy is in millimeters diameter.
names associated with that brand. It appeared that there were some mergers and acquisitions that I didn’t understand. Are they owned by another company? When did this happen? Where are the tapes made?
So, today I did a Google search to try to make some sense out of the history of Lufkin tapes. The search was not easy, because there seems to be another company by the name Lufkin Industries, and another one called Lufkin Trailers.
So here are the facts, as I know them today, in November 2024…….
In 1967, Cooper bought the Lufkin company.
In 2010, Apex Tool Group, LLC bought Lufkin. Crescent is part of the Apex group.
2017. Crescent Tool acquired Lufkin. Crescent Tool is still part of the Apex Tool Group, LLC.
Now, in 2024, Wiss, Lufkin, Nicholson, H.K. Porter, and JOBOX are all brands of Crescent Tools.
The tapes that we all love, are branded “Crescent Lufkin” at this time.
Lufkin tapes used to be made in the USA. I know, because the gift box used to say that in 1991 when I started selling them. Today, according to my supplier, they are made in Mexico and China.
So, without being too wordy, that is the concise history of the Lufkin Tape Measure.
When looking at blueprints, you notice that they are drawn to a specific scale. The scale is not the same for a room, a house, a neighborhood, or a development. The scale is noted at the bottom right corner of the drawing in the information box. Typical scales are:
1/4 could be used for “1/4 inch equals one foot”, or “1/4 inch equals 100 feet”, or “1/4 inch equals one mile”. It depends on the scale of the drawing.
If the drawing information box says “1/4 inch equals one mile”, then place the 1/4 part of the ruler along the object that you are measuring. If the object lines up with “9” on the ruler, then it is 9 miles long. Simple enough.
Remember, the clue to which scale to use, is in the information box on the drawing.
September 22 is “National Girls’ Night” in America. It’s a night when a girl doesn’t
have to worry about making a good impression on her boyfriend. She can wear whatever she wants, and act any way that she wants. Of course, it’s more fun to get together with your friends and act crazy together.
If you go out at night, always take a flashlight. A Maglite Engraved with “National
Maglite Engraved
Girls’ Night” or any other phrase or logo, will help keep you safe when you are out at night. A flashlight is an obvious sign that you are ready to defend yourself from the bad intentions of someone else. A lit flashlight can be intimidating to some bad guys. They might wonder what else you have up your sleeve. You might not even have to shine it in their eyes.
The 3rd Friday in September is National Tradesmen Day in the United States.
The Rugged Pipe Tally Books
Tally Books make good gifts on this day, to all tradesmen. These books were originally designed for those in the pipe industry. But they can be used as weatherproof record-keepers for all these trades:
Oilfield Workers Use Tally Books
Line Workers (Electric power lines)
Oilfield Workers
HVAC contractors
Highway Contractors
Wind Power Workers
Iron Workers
The company’s full color logo can be printed on the front and back of the cover. And, there can be vinyl sleeves inside, for the carrier to use for important papers and business cards. A new option is the “stone pad”, which looks like paper, only it won’t tear, and won’t fail when soaked in water. Tally books aren’t just small notebooks. They are rugged field books that fit in your pocket.
to light up the festivities. Everyone likes to see what they are eating. Maglites make it easy.
Maglite Flashlights are needed for Night Barbecues
<a href=””>Image by freepik</a>
Do you remember those Engraved flashlights that were left over from Christmas? Today is the perfect day to help you to “get to know your customers”. Today, give one to every customer that comes into your store, and start a conversation with them. It will pay off. (But you already know that.)