What Are Tally Books Used For?

Tally Books have been around for a long time. They are pocket-sized blank

Oilfield Workers Use Tally Books
Oilfield Workers Use Tally Books

notebooks used for recording data in the field. Oilfield workers are frequent users of such books. Every time you add a section of pipe, or make a change in the settings of the drilling rig, you would want to record that right now. Tally books are designed to be pocket size, durable, and water resistant. Even the new “stone pad” looks like paper, but it is resistant to water and physical attempts to tear the pages.

How to Build Better Pipe Tally Books
How to Build a Better Pipe Tally Book

Why not use an electronic method of recording these bits of data? That would require a reliable power source, unbreakable device, and one that is not able to malfunction. Then, it is smart to stay with an old fashioned notebook.

Custom tally books are available, too. Your company logo, phone number, and even tables, can be imprinted on the cover.

How Does a Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Work

The title implies that the tape does the work, so you don’t have to. This is true. All

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

you have to do is wrap the tape around the pipe circumference. Then the markings on the tape show you the diameter. It does this because the markings are spread out by a factor of pi (3.14159).  So you don’t have to measure the circumference and divide by pi.

The accuracy of a pocket size Pipe Diameter Tape Measure is usually 100th of an inch diameter. That’s a pretty good resolution. They also come in metric units. Their accuracy is in millimeters diameter.

Pipe Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape (pi Tape)