How to Choose the Right Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Why do you need to choose a diameter tape, anyway? Because you want a quick and easy way to take a tape measure out of your pocket and find the diameter of a pipe or other round object. The best pipe diameter tape measure for your job can be solved by asking these questions:

  • Metric or inch, or both? Some tapes are marked in any of these 3 different scales.

    Lufkin Y906PD pipe diameter tape measure, not Barlow W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape

  • How big is the pipe? Some tapes stop at 24 inch diameter. Some go to 38 inches.

    Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches T217-6654 Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches T217-6654

  • Does a brand name matter? Lufkin tools have made a name for themselves. Pi-Cobra tapes are made in China, but they are less expensive, and longer.
  • What accuracy do you need? The pocket sized ones are quick and convenient. They are accurate to 0.01 inch. If you need a highly accurate one, check out Pi Tape. They cost about 10 times as much, and they can’t fit in your pocket. But here is their accuracy: Pi Tape metric tapes have a diameter accuracy of ± 0,03 mm up to 3 600 millimeters. Pi Tape inch tapes have a diameter accuracy of ± 0,001″ up to 144 inches.
PI Tape 24" to 48" Range Periphery Tape Measure - 57-065-856PI Tape 24" to 48" Range Periphery Tape Measure - 57-065-856
PI Tape 24″ to 48″ Range Periphery Tape Measure ‑ 57‑065‑856


Which is the Best Architect Scale Ruler?

Architect Scale Rulers
Architect Scale Rulers

Suppose you own a business. Suppose your customers are architects, designers, contractors, builders, engineers, or real estate developers. Suppose you want to advertise your company to them, in a way that your name and phone number are visible to them every hour of the day. An architect scale ruler would be a very effective advertising tool for you! But which one?

  • Architect 6″ long with four bevel scales
  • Engineer 12″ long with four bevel scales
  • Architect 6″ long pocket scale
  • Hollow triangular architect 12″ scale

These scales are all good choices. Of course the 6″ one are very portable. They are for inspectors and estimators that are on the go. The 12″ ones would usually stay at the work station. Architects and engineers would need different scales, so that is something for you to consider. Ask a couple of your customers which ruler they would prefer. That would take the pressure off of you to make a difficult decision.


3331-3130 Architect 6″ Four Bevel Scales 3130

3331-3130 Engineer 12″ Four Bevel Scales 3331

3010 Architect 6″ Pocket Scale 3010


3030 Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale 3030